“Where ever creativity goes- and, by extension, wherever talent goes – innovation and economic growth are sure to follow” – The Harvard Business Review
Having been through the recession the market is ruthless and for your business to stay ahead of competition you must constantly develop and evolve. Innovation is no longer a bonus but is a prerequisite for every organization to stay ahead of your competitor. While this remains a fact we must realize that creativity and innovation go hand in hand and that we cannot push forward and create a space for innovation within your company without first finding a way to enhance your team’s collective creative skills.
Be it the need to brainstorm an issue, develop a new product, deliver a marketing campaign, make a pitch for a deal or simply discuss a problem, Creativity is the key. Creating a Mind Map is an excellent way of coming up with creative ways to address the matter.
A question in many minds is why Mind Maps and does it really works in the Business World? The answer is yes as the Mind Map acts as a trigger device for your brain, creating an explosion in creativity, innovation and knowledge sharing. Mind Maps also tap into your rational and grounded skills and your imaginative and free – associative skills, encouraging them to work together to amplify and focus your thinking – creating perfect space for innovation.
This time of year for most organizations is the time of year to plan the strategy for the upcoming New Year. A Mind Map is a perfect platform for analyzing your business, making decisions and anticipating potential threats or Risk. PEST, Six Thinking Hats, Four P’s and Balance Scorecard, Value Chain Analysis and any Business Model you may wish to explore, can be simplified and enhanced by using a Mind Map as your workspace. The flow of the Mind Map allows limitless expansion of ideas whilst keeping a coherent and organized structure – providing the team with the holistic picture in one visual snapshot. This is a long term perspective but it is also worth our while to check
Walking in to the office each morning, you are already in the process of performing mental gymnastics figuring out how you’ll get through going the task list for the day, only to be confronted by twenty equally urgent and demanding messages and the phone e bombardment of information you receive ringing off the hook. Managing the information you receive everyday and juggling the tasks is a full time job. So how are we to be more productive when there isn’t enough hours in the day. Productivity is about streamlining one’s work practices and making the most of your time. A simple Mind Map can easily be incorporated into your work day. Providing a space in which you are able to keep track of your work load in a productive manner, reach new levels of Productivity and lower the stress levels. Mind Maps also serve as an easy way to manage the information overload and create time to manage the excess that occur every working day destroying productivity and focus.
Well the uses of Mind Maps don’t stop with Just creativity, strategy creation and managing your day it goes beyond into planning for effective presentations, Project Management, Problem Solving, Quality Improvements and much, much more. Given the uses one might wonder how I can learn the concepts of Mind Mapping.
The use of Mind Mapping is an integral part of my Quality Improvement Project at Boeing. This has provided savings of over $10 million for my organisation.”
Mike Stanley, Boeing Corporation, USA
The Inventor of Mind Mapping world famous Author “TONY BUZAN will have a live one day session on the 28th of November 2011 on Creativity, Innovation and Thinking using Mind Mapping as a powerful tool.