
‘It’s all about me and my personal moments’

Advertising professional Dinesh Perera, launches his first collection of poems, Poem Person
Pix by Nilan Maligaspe

On the evening of January 17, a beautiful, aged Nuga tree set the stage for the launch of Dinesh Perera’s first collection of poetry titled Poem Person.

Dinesh, began his professional career in banking and finance and didn’t find his true calling until he moved into the world of advertising. He leads the digital arm of Bates Sri Lanka as its business head and creative director.

His first poem was written during a time fraught with challenges and difficulties, which in later years proved to be a medium which provided a therapeutic outlet to express his personal story and literary talents.

“Poem Person captures me in extremely personal moments at various points in my life, the early years in which I had just stumbled out of teen-hood to a long drawn-out period of aimless, disenchanted living, in which I got caught up in everything from politics, to rebellions, to religion and self destruction.

It captures me in situations of soaring happiness and absolute and complete melancholia. All of the emotions, ideas, ideals and stories manifest in the verses of the pieces that I have published,” explains Dinesh.

The launch was attended by friends, colleagues and family. Poem Person is available at Odel and Barefoot.

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