In early May, I was lucky enough to have an opportunity to visit Sri Lanka where I visited education agents, Australia government officials, tertiary institutions as well as potential students. I was even luckier to be in Colombo during Vesak, so I saw the city lit up in a blaze of light as lanterns where hung all around the city centre.
Dr Jeffrey Gosper, Academic Director of Charles Sturt University |
My visit proved to me that many Sri Lankans have a desire to develop a professional career built on a solid education. I also learnt firsthand that Australia was seen as a great destination for university studies,with accounting, business and IT beingvery popular. This corresponds very well to the offerings within Charles Sturt University (CSU) Study Centres,whospecialize in all these fieldsat both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The CSU Study Centres are locatedright in the heart of Sydney and Melbourne and specifically cater for the needs of international students. The centres provide tremendous study support as well as having smaller classes than many other universities. CSU also has a network of campuses in some of the fastest growing cities in regional NSW, providing expansive surroundings, easy access to academic staff and excellent facilities, providing an outstanding environment for successful study.
Our students constantly give us positive feedback on the level of care that we provide to ensure they have a great study experience. Many CSU classes are delivered by practicing professionals which underpins CSU’s focus on professional ‘industry ready’ graduates. To demonstrate CSU’s focus on ‘professional outcomes’ the University has received a ‘five star rating’ (out of five) in the 2012 Good University Guide( ‘Getting a Job’and has recently received a top result in the Australian government’s website My University ( for the proportion of students in full-time employment within four months of course completion. This is exactly what CSU is about!
Australia, once tagged as the ‘Lucky Country’, boasts one of the highest standards of living in the world and has recently been rated by the OECD in their ‘Better Life Index’* as the No. 1 country in the world in which to live. This index considers a range of aspects including education, work/life balance, jobs, safety, community, and life satisfaction. Sri Lankan students who choose to study in Australia have an opportunity to share in our high quality way of life for the duration of their stay in Australia.
I personally enjoyed my experience in Sri Lanka, seeing first-hand a different way of life. I saw a country wanting to build a strong future and young people who clearly knew that they would gain immensebenefitfrom international studies in Australia and that this would be a key steptowards building a successful professional career.
Those who wish to contact CSU to discuss the possibility of studying at our Study Centres should / CRICOS 00005F (NSW), 02597E (QLD), 01947G (VIC)
Source: Dr Jeffrey Gosper, Academic Director CSU Study Centre Sydney
Article published with the assistance from:
Australian Trade Commission (Austrade), Colombo-Sri Lanka.
Contact: David Samuel, Business Development Manager, Email: