Q: Dr. LeValley, thank you for agreeing to an interview, with us. What is your position with the Colombo Institute of Research and Psychology?
I am the Academic Dean, and am fortunate to work with a great team, under Dr. Darshan Perera’s innovative leadership, to develop the potential of Sri Lankan and international students.
Q: What is your professional background?
Dr. LeValley at the annual convocation of the Ladies’ College Department of Vocational Studies with the two students who achieved the 1st place in their respective batch. CIRP and LCDVS in collaboration offers a Diploma in Child & Adolescent Psychology and so far three batches have graduated from this programme. |
I am an American Psychologist, with an MA and ABD in Sociology and a PhD in Psychology, certifications in Medical and Counselling Hypnotherapy, certificates in Disaster and Trauma Psychology, and Early Childhood Education, and extensive credentials in Religion, Anthropology, and Traditional Medicine. I have a well-rounded background which puts me in a good position to help students with diverse interests.
Q:What brought you to Colombo Institute of Research and Psychology?
I was invited by Dr. Darshan, and I knew that this was the right situation in which to engage my creativity, expertise and efforts. We have a number of respected scholars on the faculty (masters, doctorate, and medical doctors) with international experience. We have a strong research and applied emphasis, welcome critical and innovative thinking, and have people with good hearts who contribute to a mutually caring, family atmosphere.
Q:What kind of people opt to go into the field of Psychology?
Oh, all kinds of people! Most of us are creative, compassionate, self-motivated, insightful, and energetic. They pursue clinical or community applications, business and organizational or industrial applications, or human resource management teaching, counselling, research, sports, tourism, personal development coaching, art or music therapy, sand tray or dance and movement therapy. Psychology is helpful preparation for politics, city planning, faith-based projects, social and community services, writing and publishing, or just becoming an interesting person. It would be difficult to find an occupation for which Psychology did not offer a firm foundation. The field of Psychology prepares a person for a life of optimal well-being. It prepares students for informed parenting and family diplomacy, people management and health advocacy. Psychology is the study of human behaviour and human mental processes, so that covers a lot of ground.
Q:Colombo Institute has a variety of programmes then?
Yes, we do. Our Higher National Diploma in Psychology is a popular and cost-effective choice, and especially so with those students who intend to complete all or part of it here and then transfer to University of Hertfordshire, UK, to complete the remainder of a Bachelors degree in Psychology there. We have a strong, one year Counselling and Psychotherapy diploma programme, as well as diploma programs in General Psychology, Clinical and Abnormal, Child and Adolescent, Health Psychology, Organizational, Forensic and Criminal Psychology.
Q:What kind of facilities does your institute offer?
I’m glad you asked that because we have recently expanded and are in a fabulous building with Dutch architecture and sweeping ocean views, on Melbourne, just off Marine Drive. It is a pleasant and inspirational location. Our lecture halls and experimental lab are state of the art. We have online and offline libraries, computer lab, student lounge, offices, lunch room, and a garden. We have a cosy counselling room, to which we invite all members of the community who would like to chat privately with me or another counsellor about anything at all.
If you are running into parenting issues, personal development challenges, are in need of stress management support, want to clarify your thinking or freshen your perspective, put pizzazz into your marriage, or improve your social relationships, want to stop smoking or lose weight, resolve an internal conflict, recover from trauma, deal more successfully with a weird relative, become more assertive, or maybe gain some insight into a dream, childhood or past incarnation memories, we certainly welcome your visit and promise to support your comfort and well-being.
Q:If we were to look into a crystal ball, what clues would we see to the future of Colombo Institute of Research and Psychology?
We would see a dynamic institution, defining the highest educational standards, with a wide range of innovative educational, research, community counselling and corporate support programmes, in multiple locations. We would see a full University, with many significant academic partnerships, undergraduate and post-graduate levels in a variety of specialty areas. We would see our student alumni actively involved in improving their communities and the world. We would see smiling, confident faces.
Q:I thank you, Dr. LeValley, for this fascinating glimpse into the Colombo Institute of Research and Psychology.
It has been my pleasure.