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![]() 3rd January 1999 |
News/Comment| Editorial/Opinion| Business| Sports | Mirror Magazine |
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What's in the stars for '99 - H. G. AtukoraleAriesAccording to your planetary position you will have to work hard, devote time and invest money to gain what you need. You will have success through any contest or competitive activity. But you will not gain full authority. Business or trade activities will see great improvement during the second half of the year. Transfer from the workplace is possible. Can gain new appointments. The jobless can secure jobs. Residential change is quite possible provided Rahu is in operation.TaurusFrom Jan. 12 conditions will prevail for the better and this influence will stand you in good stead throughout the first half of the year. Your relationship with everybody will be satisfactory and harmonious. All activities and relationships will bear good results.You will also gain some money. Additional work or undertakings will fetch money. There is a possibility of going abroad. You will attempt to realize your cherished ambitions.GeminiImportant changes are likely. Will invest money on some new projests. Will have additional responsibilities. There will be much improvement as regards your work and finances. You will begin on some new work. The time is good for any improvement in your business or professional work. There will be expenditure on auspicious celebrations. Important activities will bear good results and profit. Disposal of property indicated. Partnerships will be satisfactory.CancerYou will be able to face any problems, and obstacles. Luck will no doubt smile at you through your endeavours. Your new ideas can be put into practice. Will adopt new methods to improve your affairs. Your work will be recognised. Some improvement in your financial position could be expected. You will gain some authority. An important event in your life may take place. Opportunity to study occult subjects.LeoLagna and Moon in 11th house while Saturn in 9th. In this year of expanding horizons and opportunities you can launch your efforts in any direction with confidence. The first half of the year is exceptionally favourable for all matters connected with finance such as lending, buying and selling as all the planets will favour your activities.VirgoAccording to your planetary position your work will function fairly well. Successful trends in financial matters are promised. Those seeking employment may find their efforts to be successful. Your career or profession will become more steady and you will gain some profits. Elevation to a higher grade is possible. A new alliance or a love affair will build up.LibraThe year will be satisfactory as regards your finances. Your work will go smoothly. Great care will be needed on the business side- especially in buying and selling real property or investing in shares. There is likelihood of tension between you and your partners. There is scope for expansion in some activity and moderate results from it. Change for better in the financial sphere indicated. Some are likely to get transfers. There is the possibility of going abroad as planned.ScorpioThis is a good year for Scorpio natives. You can rearrange everything that come under your purview. Expectations and aspirations will be realised. Moneywise a good year. You can save or deposit money. Investing money on profitable ventures indicated. Can get confirmation in service. Can improve your financial situation. Will look into property matters.SagittariusYou will be able to enjoy comparative freedom from any worry. This year can be seen as a favourable one for finances. Your influence in social and business circles will increase tremendously. Will develop your properties. Will shift into a new house. Will be able to complete unfinished building constructions. Your job or profession will become more steady and successful. Can attain a new appointment.CapricornFor the greater part of the year especially till October there'll be improvement in your affairs, especially important matters. It will be profitable to begin new ventures. Real property matter should be looked into for improvement. Extra money has to be spent over landed properties. There is scope for moderate improvement in business matters. You will be having an enjoyable time in the field of arts. Will attend social services. Politics is not advisable.AquariusMonetary conditions will be fairly good. Moneywise there'll be great improvement. Increase in salary could be expected. New work and new responsibility indicated. New contacts and new undertakings possible. Some activities will see changes for the better. Immovable property matters will bring prosperity and improved conditions will be apparent.PiscesThis year you will have to do a lot of important work. Thereby you will intend to improve your current position and future affairs. You will have more or less a satisfactory year for all financial matters. You will start some new work for your own betterment.Social climbers will have a promising year. You will arrange everything in a more orderly fashion. Will invest money on self employment. Will have financial aid. You will have to get ready to carry out your plans to secure expected results. |
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