• Last Update 2024-07-19 16:40:00

“GLX Digital Evolver” powers transformation of tourism through digital evolution



Good Life X (GLX) in collaboration with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Sri Lanka - via ‘GLX Digital Evolver’ is pursuing the growth and evolution of Sri Lanka​​ tourism in partnership with leading industry experts.

The recently-launched programme which is aimed at empowering businesses in Sri Lanka’s tourism sector to evolve digitally, coincides with the Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority’s (SLTDA) announced plans to promote Sri Lanka as a market for sustainable tourism, GLX said in a media release.

The three-month-long initiative, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), brought together 10 leading experts - representing GLX and GIZ, as well as Pascal Gavotto (CEO, Fatumaru Consulting), Niranka Perera (CEO, Antyra Solutions) and Naveen Marasinghe (COO, Antyra Solutions). 

Tourism Specialist, Fatumaru Consulting - Pascal Gavotto noted: “We are faced with a unique situation where much of Sri Lanka’s tourism is on the edge of collapsing, and investment is crucial to bridge the digital gap. This is a challenging position to continue encouraging tourism SMEs to invest, work, and plan for the future whilst they struggle for business visibility and to continue with day-to-day operations. The GLX programme brings a positive spirit to the Digital Evolvers, aiding them to prepare their business recovery better and be ready to compete in a post-COVID, complex market.”

Mr. Pascal is the Lead Expert in charge of Tourism Strategy for the programme, and he pointed out that whilst international tourist arrivals have dropped to 1% of what they were in 2018, the 1.8 million Sri Lankans who were traveling overseas in 2018 are now traveling internally resulting in a boost to the domestic market. “I expect that the 10 Digital Evolvers we are coaching will be far better equipped digitally to reconquer and develop their market share, having developed new skills that will become a competitive advantage and more resilient,” he said.

Chief Operating Officer, Antyra Solutions - Naveen Marasinghe - the Lead Expert for Digital Strategy stated: “The prevailing conditions have severely restricted revenue for the tourism sector. While this is a primary problem that the industry is struggling with, there are several other areas that can be improved upon from a digital point of view. SMEs show a keen interest to invest and understand digital marketing; however they lack practical experience or access to knowledge in order to do so. In terms of digital - for the programme - as an area of expertise-, we have looked at multiple topics such as digital marketing, digital distribution, and digital transformation as key areas to improve on.”

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