• Last Update 2024-07-20 13:22:00

CB Governor takes responsibility for allowing deputy to remove personal files       


Sri Lankan Central Bank Governor Dr Indrajit Coomaraswamy has strongly defended his officials claiming that they are very efficient and honest and no one can point a finger at them challenging their integrity. 
Responding to a question raised by a journalist, he told the Monetary Policy Review media conference in Colombo on Tuesday that not a single official had been found guilty of any charges of financial misappropriation.
He pledged to take responsibility of allowing former deputy governor P. Samarasiri to remove certain documents and files belonged to him from his office at the Central Bank as Mr. Samarasiri assured him that all those were his personal  belongings.
He vehemently rejected the accusation leveled by a journalist at the media conference claiming that Mr. Samarasiri has removed some files with documents relating to controversial bond issue few days before his retirement.
Dr. Coomaraswamy noted that a presidential commission of inquiry or any other authority has not questioned him with regard to this incident. 
The Central Bank’s internal inquiry is still continuing into the bond issue and certain corrective actions have been taken to prevent the re-occurrences of Treasury bond scams in the future, he said adding that disciplinary action would be taken against any official who was found guilty of his involvement in the scam. (Bandula)  

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