• Last Update 2024-06-30 14:24:00

Grand Hotel launches Rs 3.8 million dessert on front lawn


The Grand Hotel known for its commitment to innovation in their latest effort, launched ‘the most expensive and artistic dessert’  - a unique creation that marries romance, heritage and culinary craftsmanship.


Priced at  Rs.3.8 million the  ‘Marry Me’  dessert is  finely crafted using an exotic array of ingredients, created by Master Chef Viraj Jayaratne to mark his 25 years in the culinary field. The exquisite dessert marries the famed Valrhona chocolate from Madagascar, the Cherry Jubilee which was served at the Grand as far back as 1897, all skillfully crafted with edible gold and silver, and to top it all, a precious stone specially crafted for the lady to cherish for a lifetime, perched on top.


The ‘Marry Me’ dessert was launched on the front lawn of the Grand Hotel with Chefs dancing along and the dessert being paraded out by bag pipers. Doing the honours was Kumar Sangakkara and wife Yehali who were the first takers of ‘Marry Me’. The Grand’s objective in launching this exclusive dessert is to showcase Sri Lanka as a culinary destination. The dessert will be available from January 3 at the Grand.

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