• Last Update 2024-06-30 14:24:00

Kap planting ceremony of Mahiyanganaya Maha Saman Devalaya


Mahiyanganaya is about 75km from Kandy and a good two hours drive along the Kandy-Mahiyanganaya road which takes one  past the famous eighteen bends. The breathtaking Hunasgiriya mountain range is also visible along this road.

The Mahiyanganaya Maha Saman Devalaya is situated in the premises of the Mahiyanganaya temple. Buddhists in Sri Lanka associate the Mahiyanganaya temple with the first ever visit of Lord Buddha. A place of veneration in the hearts and minds of Buddhists for centuries.

The Saman Devalaya of Mahiyanganaya is considered the main Saman Devalaya dedicated to "Samana Deviyo" or "God Saman" a prominent Sinhala Buddhist God. God Saman is believed to have attained the path of Sovan ( first marga pala or the first path to attaining Nirvana).

Just two weeks after the conclusion of the Dalada Maligawa Esala Perahera comes  the beating of drums again in Mahiyanganaya. The age old traditions are kept alive even today.

The perehera rituals commenced with the chanting of all- night pirith on August 22. The Kap planting ceremony took place thereafter at an auspicious time after midnight with the present Basnayake Nilame of the Maha Saman Devalaya Gayan Hashila Heenkenda and the Devalaya Kapurales planting the Kapa in the Devalaya premises.

Devotees from far and near attended the all-night pirith and Kap planting ceremony where devotees had the opportunity to make vows and venerate the newly planted Kapa.

According to Basnayake Nilame of the Mahiyanganaya Maha Saman Devalaya Gayan Heenkenda, the Maha Saman Devalaya of Mahiyanganaya is the only Devalaya where devotees can make vows at the Kap planting ceremony.

Mr. Gayan Heenkenda who is also the Basnayake Nilame of the Shri Maha Natha Devalaya in Kandy said that " No one is allowed to make vows at the Kap planting ceremony of the Natha Devalaya in Kandy. The practice of making vows at the Kap planting ceremony is unique to the Maha Saman Devalaya in Mahiyanganaya".

He further expressed that it the only Devalaya where the Kap planting ceremony and Ethul perahera (inner perahera) happens during the all-night pirith chanting ceremony.

" A unique feature of the perahera of the Maha Saman Devalaya of Mahiyanganaya is that both rituals of Kap planting and Ethul perahera runs concurrently with the chanting of all-night pirith," says Mr. Heenkenda.

The Ethul perahera (inner perahera) took place after about an hour of the Kap planting ceremony also at  an auspicious time.

The event sans the usual sight of whip crackers, majestic elephants along with much pageantry usually associated with the Kandy  Esala perahera where just were a dominant character. The drummers kept to the accustomed  perahera  tunes and the atmosphere of the perahera season was very much present.

A slight drizzle fell upon the Ethul perahera as if to bless the Devabharana being carried around the devalaya. The drizzle didn't bother the rituals or devotees in the least. It is believed to be the heavens way of blessing mankind's good deeds.

Mr. Ananda Heenkenda former Basnayake Nilame of the Maha Saman Devalaya of Mahiyanganaya also participated in the Ethul perahera.

The  Mahiyanganaya Maha Saman Devalaya Ethul perahera which started on August 22 will continue till August 26.  Next is the Kumbal perahera which commences on the August 27  through August 31.

The Randoli perahera will take to the streets on September 1 and end on  September 5. A special addition to the last Randoli perahera is the Wedi perahera or the procession of the Veddhah community. The fifteen day-long perahera will end with the Diya Kepeema ceremony or water cutting ceremony.

 Photos and text by Himaddrini  Abayanayake

The Kap planting ceremony 2

Kap planting ceremony

Basnayake Nilame Gayan Heenkenda  participating in the Kap planting ceremony with the Kapurales of the Mahiyanganaya Maha Saman Devalaya

Basnayake Nilame Gayan Heenkenda  participating in the Kap planting ceremony with the Kapurales of the Mahiyanganaya Maha Saman Devalaya

The Ethul perahera 2

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