• Last Update 2024-07-19 10:17:00

Blood is thicker than justice, diplomacy


The case file of former Sri Lankan Ambassador to Washington, DC, Jaliya Chithran Wickramasooriya—sentenced in the United States last month for fraud—offers insight into just how far administrations in Colombo will go to try and protect their own.

It was never in question that Mr Wickramasooriya, a cousin of Presidents Mahinda and Gotabaya Rajapaksa, had committed the crimes for which he was indicted in the US. His main argument was that he was entitled to immunity for them, as they had been carried out while he was ambassador.

But Mr Wickramasooriya’s immunity had been removed on October 23, 2017, on a US State Department request. The waiver, contained in a diplomatic note or “note verbale”, was signed by Prasad Kariyawasam, then Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the instructions of then President Maithiripala Sirisena.

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  • Hora Wada Wadine

    Monday, 22 August 2022 12:27 PM

    Lanka is rife with nepotism. Part of the culture. Country will always be at the bottom. The day all the old culture is let go we might get to improved situation like Singapore. 100 years ago that country did not exist, but by having minded laws they improved. There is much bad there, however favouring family for government business is not allowed in anyway.

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