• Last Update 2024-07-18 22:51:00

Poor cannot buy even 10 eggs from interim budget allowance : Eran


The government should also look for fraudulent and deceitful officials who hit the stomach of poor people leaving behind the right officials like the Governor of the Central Bank said Eran Wickramaratne, Member of Parliament of Samagi Jana Balavegaya (SJB)

He was speaking during the debate on the interim budget in parliament Friday.

MP Eran Wickramaratne also said that although the interim budget increased the monthly allowance for poor people, they could not buy even 10 eggs with the full amount paid.

In the first budget of 2022, more money was allocated for security and highways, but less for education and health. S.J. B warned about the situation the country is facing today since this government came to power. They saw the future of the country and the crisis that be fell due to mismanagement of the economy, he stressed.

"Those who struggled for a system change could not be controlled via repression. Instead, I ask the government to control inflation. The opposition has a program for this. There should also be a system to recover the stolen assets from the thieves who looted the wealth of the country. Do not go behind officials like the Governor central bank, instead, go behind the fraudulent and deceitful officials who have done the wrong to the masses by depriving them of their opportunities." the MP said.

The MP who drew the attention of the House to the issues mentioned in the President's budget speech regarding corruption, emphasized that the government should bring laws to catch thieves and recover stolen assets, mere measures to curb corruption are not enough.


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