• Last Update 2024-07-01 00:02:00

Civil Society Orgzns request government to protect fundamental rights of people instead of repression


Civil society organisations in a letter to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa have requested that the government find a speedy solution to people's problems rather than suppressing them for expressing their opinion  in this difficult time of the Covid 19 situation in the country.

The letter signed by 32 organisations including trade unions, the media and civil organisations said that many persons who protested against unjust distribution of government relief have been arrested by the police under the violation of the curfew law.

Last week a person in Doluwa Gampaha was arrested for voicing his opinion on the unfair distribution of government relief to  families of low income groups.“It is learnt that Police have warned that persons protesting or expressing their views through social media  will be arrested,”

The letter said that there were many such complaints from different parts of the country. The protests include  the government failure to distribute essential items to the deserving and the non distribution of Rs 5000 to families  belonging to the lowest socio economic groups.

Also it is charged that  the government promise to refrain from deducting repayments of loans obtained by government officials has been ignored. The vegetable farmers  on the other hand have been affected by the shortcomings in the purchase of vegetables by the government.

The organisations said that in this backdrop it is difficult to prevent people from protesting or voicing their opinion. The government, they said instead of resorting to repression should find solutions to people's problems. (By Chrishanthi Christopher )


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