• Last Update 2024-09-01 16:42:00

Infant baby found abandoned in thicket in Dambulla


An infant was found on the road in Jayamawatha area, Dambulla.

According to reports  the infant baby girl was found in a thicket on a deserted spot of the road, at around 4.30 am yesterday.

The police  admitted the infant girl to the Dambulla Hospital and it was revealed that the baby had been born only several hours before and that she was in good health.

The individuals who initially found the baby say that they had gotten off their lorry to check on a technical fault of the lorry when they heard the baby crying. They searched the area and had located the baby lying in the thicket without any clothing on her.

They had then acted to protect the baby from ants and dogs and informed the police of the situation.

Dambulla Police are conducting investigations to find the mother of the infant.

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