• Last Update 2024-07-19 12:26:00

Jaffna Uni backs down, withdraws controversial 'Code of Ethics'


Faced with mounting criticism and ridicule, the administration of the Jaffna University's Arts Faculty has backed down today and withdrawn a controversial 'Code of Ethics' imposed on students and staff.

Earlier, a notice pasted at the university had informed students that the decision to introduce a code of ethics had been made at the university's senate meeting held on February 16. 

Accordingly, students had been banned from wearing denims and t-shirts to lectures while females had also been told to wear saris on Fridays. 

The administration had also noted that students and staff would not be permitted inside lecture halls if they had beards. 

The move drew an angry reaction from the university's student union, which labelled it an attempt to curtail student rights. 

When contacted over the issue, Dean of the university's Faculty of Arts, N. Gnanakumaran, claimed that the code of ethics was not being imposed on students against their will and that it was only a request. He said there was no regulation compelling students and staff to adhere to the code of ethics. However, he argued that such a code was good for the university system. 

Nevertheless, faculty administration has now issued a fresh notice stating that the earlier decision to introduce a 'Code of Ethics' has been withdrawn entirely.

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