• Last Update 2025-03-18 10:00:00

Lord Naseby chides British HC and FCO


Lord Naseby has hit back at the British High Commission in Colombo that tried to circumvent the evidence emanating from the despatches of its own Defence Attache' that rejected the highly inflated figures of civilian deaths in the last months of the anti-LTTE war.

He also chided the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) for hiding the evidence from the Defence Attache's crucial despatches and not disclosing it to the UN and other related bodies while supporting UNHRC resolutions that painted Sri Lanka and its security forces in a light that suggested they were guilty of war crimes and human rights abuses.
The British peer said the UK government was one of the initiators and a co-sponsor of the UNHRC Res 30/1. "The despatches by Col Anton Gash, the former defence attaché of the British High Commission, constitutes an important element in the process of truth-seeking and should be of interest to all those who genuinely seek a clear picture of what happened during the final stages of the conflict in Sri Lanka.

 It is therefore disappointing that the British High Commission fails to acknowledge the importance of the despatches of its own former defence attaché and the insight that is provided by his communications with the British Government," Lord Naseby said in a come back that faulted the FCO and the British High Commission for burying vital information while the British Government supported highly condemnatory resolutions against Sri Lanka.

Lord Naseby told the Sunday Times that he has submitted a copy of the parliamentary Hansard on the debate he initiated at the Lords and all other relevant documents to the Secretary- General of the UN, to the UNHRC and the UN Human Rights Commissioner to alert them to the vital information elicit from the highly redacted despatches of Lt. Col Gash and other sources. 

- By Neville de Silva in London​

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