National test cricket captain Dimuth Karunaratne responding to the incident which took place yesterday, in a special statement via his official social media account said he would not shirk his 'moral obligation' and would 'ensure the betterment' of the victim.
Mr. Karunarante extended his apologies to the three-wheel driver who suffered 'minor' injuires following an accident involving his jeep in the early hours of yesterday.
"This morning I produced my self in court and did follow the due Legal process of Sri Lanka and did abide by all formalities therein required," the test captain said while pledging to assist in any further legal operations.
He also proceeded to say that his actions were "utterly unbecoming of a Sri Lankan National Cricketer" while also apologising to the cricketing fraternity over the incident.
— Dimuth Karunaratne (@IamDimuth) April 1, 2019
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