• Last Update 2024-09-11 17:58:00

Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe addresses Japanese Parliament


Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasingh who is on an official visit to Japan, addressed the   the Japanese Parliament today. Only two state leaders have been given an opportunity to address the Japanese Parliament in its history. The two leaders are Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Barak Obama.
 The Prime Minister attended the  Science and Technology Summit on Sunday. The Prime Minister will hold discussions with Sri Lanka Business Cooperation Committee and Japanese Trade Organizations. He is also expected to hold talks with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Emperor Akihito. Sri Lankan Embassy in Japan said that the Japanese Prime Minister will host a dinner for the Sri Lankan Prime Minister. Prime Minister Wickremasinghe is scheduled to sign several bilateral agreements with Japan.   The Prime Minister’s tour has become a hot topic in Japanese media. The tour is being seen as the most important tour of a Sir Lankan politician following the tour of the former President J.R. Jyawardena. R 2R 3r 5R4
  ranil 1

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