• Last Update 2024-09-10 23:01:00

Reduced sentence for Lankan national previously sentenced to death by stoning


The verdict of the Sri Lankan domestic worker arrested on the charges of adultery and sentenced to death by stoning by the Al Dwadmi Court in Saudi Arabia was reversed after the  government made an appeal against it, Acting Foreign Affairs minister Dr Harsha de Silva said.

“ The government is happy to announce that the appeal for clemency on the sentence was successful and the Sri Lankan national will now have to serve a reduced sentence and serve a term in prison.,” he said.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs together with the Ministry of Foreign Employment and the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment undertook the responsibility to safeguard the Sri Lankan national and through the Sri Lanka Mission in Saudi Arabia, extended every assistance to provide legal counsel and consular assistance in order to assist the appeal process. 

“We wishes to acknowledge and appreciate the good offices of the Saudi Authorities. The sympathy, the understanding and the concern expressed, and assistance extended by many other parties is also noted and deeply appreciated,” it said.

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