Presidential candidates Sajith Premadasa and Anura Kumara Dissanayake today (Oct 5) pledged to implement beneficial projects, eradicate extremism and strengthen education in the country.
Speaking at a presidential debate, Premadasa and Dissanayake responded to four questions posed by the organisers of the event.
The debate had been organised by the March 12 movement and AFRIEL (Association for Friendship and Love) at the Sugathadasa Stadium in Colombo.
Responding to the first question on protecting Rule of Law, human rights and national security, Premadasa who represents the New Democratic Front (NDF), said his primary task would be to depoliticize law enforcement units in the country.
“We would allow the security forces to function independently without political interference,” he said.
Anura Kumara Dissanayake, the National People’s Movement (NPM) candidate, said the law would be enforced on any individual irrespective of their social status.
“Nowadays the law is imposed differently on the rich and the poor,” he claimed.
Dissanayake pledged to safeguard national security by not tolerating extremism - to protect from internal threats, and strengthen the county’s independent economic capacity - to protect from external threats.
The second question posed to the candidates were the steps they would take to reduce budget deficit and balance the country’s revenue and expenditure.
DNF candidate Premadasa said he would act towards eradicating poverty and resolving the problems of the common man by obtaining the assistance of economic experts.
“We will also strengthen domestic production and use those earnings to pay off our debts,” Premadasa said pledging that loans obtained by the government would be used for fruitful projects.
NPM candidate Dissanayake responded saying that his government too would utilize loans for useful projects. However, he noted that his primary focus would be towards uplifting the economic strength of every individual.
Dissanayake added that his government would generate revenue by using Sri Lanka’s strategic location to good effect, and by ensuring that state bodies are rid of political interference - to avoid excessive and unnecessary expenditure.
Responding to the third question on the steps the candidates would take to protect the Sri Lankan identity while respecting communal differences, Premadasa stressed that he would not give room for extremism.
He promised to implement maximum power devolution in a manner which also protects the unitary stature of the country.
Emphasising that he would not join hands with racist groups, NPM candidate Dissanayake said he would introduce legal reforms void of extremist or racist provisions. “All children must be taught all religions at school,” he insisted.
Premadasa, taking on the final question concerning the basic requirements of a citizen, said a person should adhere to good morals and values, love the country and be mindful of the environment.
“To achieve this we will increase the allocation towards the education sector,” he said.
Dissanayake, in response to this question said he too would financially strengthen the education sector, and ensure that no student drops out of the education system.
He opined that a citizen should respect equality and cultural differences, face challenges successfully, and be able to compete with other countries.
“Our main target would be to ensure that human resources are the highest developed resource in the country,’ he said.
(Pix by Ishanka Sunimal)
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