• Last Update 2024-09-12 18:59:00

Sri Lanka should have a new constitution : Jayampathy


Jayampathy Wickramaratne, the leader of a three-member team that prepared the 19th Constitutional Amendment in Sri Lanka, speaking to the Hindu  called for a new Constitution which will include a fresh Bill of Rights and address the issues of devolution of powers to provincial councils and power sharing at the Centre.

Pointing out that the 19th Amendment did not cover the issues of devolution and power sharing, the expert told The Hindu on Monday that “ideally speaking, we should have a brand new Constitution. We cannot go on with this Constitution. It has been amended so many times.”

The proposed Bill of Rights, which would be a “great improvement” over Fundamental Rights of the existing Constitution, would not only have civil and political rights but also social, economic and cultural rights. Arguing for stronger Provincial Councils and power sharing at the Centre, Dr. Wickramaratne said Provinces and various communities should share power at the Centre and this should be done “to strengthen the Centre without weakening the periphery.”

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