• Last Update 2024-07-01 00:02:00

Three arrested over unprovoked attack during curfew


Three suspects who were among a group of persons who attacked two houses in the Kumarapura area in Aranayake during curfew have been remanded in custody till April 21 by the Mawanella Magistrate. 

The suspects were among a group which attacked two houses in the area on Saturday night. Four women were injured in the attack while a car and three three-wheelers that were parked beside the houses sustained damage. 

Area residents claim the attack was unprovoked and that the group of men were under the influence of liquor. A resident of one of the houses had died earlier and they had only concluded his funeral on Saturday evening before the attack occurred. 

The suspects had fled after the attack and police and the STF launched an operation to apprehend them, resulting in the three suspects being arrested. They were produced before Mawanella Magistrate Upul Rajakaruna, who remanded them in custody. 

By Pradeep Kumara Dharmaratne

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