Amma is back |
Traditional with hidden taxes |
For more than a decade they had thought she was dead. So it was a happy and tearful reunion indeed for the family of N.G Mallika when she returned to her motherland last week after 16 long years, having gone to Saudi Arabia as a housemaid in 1991. |
The 2008 budget drew a mixed bag of reactions during an exclusive panel discussion convened by The Sunday Times FT but the general consensus of the business community was that it’s a ‘traditional’ budget with hidden taxes. |
Advertistment |
Enchanted journey |
Sri Lankan expatriate women...
“Enchanted - a journey through the wild” a book of rare wild life photographs will be launched together with an exhibition of photos from November 16 to 18 at the Harold Pieris Gallery of the Lionel Wendt.
Compiled by Gehan Rajapakse, Namal Kamalgoda, Palitha Antony and Sarinda Unamboowe, “Enchanted”. |
Remittances by Sri Lankan housemaids in the Middle East are among the highest in the world in terms of foreign exchange earned by women, an UNDP expert says.
UNDP (Asia/Pacific) Chief of Policies and Programmes Omar Norman, speaking to The Sunday Times on the sidelines of a recent regional conference on poverty reduction, said there was no country in the world where such a high ... |
Political |
from London |
JVP holds the key on Budget |
More egg on our diplomatic face |
Situation Report |
on Rights |
Muhamalai : The attack
and the withdrawal |
Institution of the judiciary and the government |
SUNDAY MUSINGS | S.R. Pathiravithana |
Kekille Kricket |
From emergency to image building |
Like any other country in the Indian sub-continent the Sri Lankans are also a nation who is cricket crazy. At the same time, people in this tiny cricket loving nation are highly literate and what is written or given in frozen action on the subject is quickly devoured with great enthusiasm and that has been a great passion of them. |
Pakistan announced plans to lift its state of emergency within one month and allowed opposition leader Benazir Bhutto to leave her villa following a day under house arrest, as the country sought today to restore its battered image at home and abroad. |
Notes from Down Under | Chaminda Vaas |
A good test of our skills and temp... |
Suu Kyi’s junta deal |
The first test against the Australians is in its second day as I write and the battle is on. Australia has piled on a 500 plus score and we are two down with three days to play. Most reports say the Aussies have a stranglehold on the game but I would dare to say it is excitingly poised. |
Residents in Myanmar's main city Yangon are divided over the prospects for change after a meeting between opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi and an official of the junta which has ruled for the past 45 years.
The Nobel peace laureate, on Thursday.... |
Men are from Mars |
Brave Commander Lankapura |
When I was 15-years-old, I backed up my mom's car into a wall. My dad didn't yell – in fact, he told me to practice reversing the same car–broken taillight and all–into the garage on that same day, until I perfected it. After that, I somehow managed to total two (different) cars – and he still never yelled, always said that he was glad I was alright. |
King Parakramabahu announced his decision to the commanders. In one voice, all the commanders agreed to this decision. The king was very happy. He wanted the commanders to make things known to their troops. He ordered that everything needed for the foreign trip should be organised. Ship builders were summoned. They were asked to build a number of very large ships. |
Milestones on Our Journey |
 SriLankan Airlines launched a book titled 'Milestones on our Journey', on the achievements of the National Carrier and the challenges it has faced over the last decade. The first copies of the book were presented to dignitaries of the country's four religions - Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Christianity - at ceremonies in Kandy and Colombo on November 5 and 6. |
Moving you
to previous issue dated Sunday
November 4, 2007. |