MediScene |
Sit right and you'll feel alright |
Eight hours at a computer may get a lot of work done, but as professionals the world over are discovering, it can also be hazardous to your health. Computer Related Injuries (CRI) are on the rise, and they are not limited to people over the age of forty. Instead, even younger people are complaining of the stabbing pains, numbness and cramps that are typical of CRI, says Gopi Kitnasamy, Chartered Physiotherapist at Durdans Hospital. |
What is
Cellulitis? |
Skin infections are one of the commonest conditions encountered at the surgical casualty. Here Dr. Nalitha Wijesundera, Consultant Surgeon at Karapitiya Teaching Hospital, discusses the problem with Dr. Melanie Amarasooriya.Cellulitis and erysipelas are two of the common skin infections seen among patients. The other commonly encountered conditions are abscesses, infections of the hair follicles and infected sebaceous cysts. |
When you need
a hysterectomy |
A 50-year-old school teacher and mother of three, Sujatha had been having heavy periods for some years. Initially she ignored it, but when she started feeling lethargic and sleepy all the time, she consulted her family doctor. Her haemoglobin level was found to be low and as the cause for this was suspected to be the heavy menstrual bleeding, she was referred to the gynaecology clinic at the nearest government hospital. |