This year’s Peradeniya Singers Concertaid VII, sponsored by the French Embassy and the Alliance Francaise de Kandy, is different to their usual fare. It includes two substantial offerings of choral works by Gabriel Fauré: his Cantique de Jean Racine and the two haunting choruses Libera Me and In Paradisum with which he ends the celebrated Requiem. The concert ends with Vivaldi’s Gloria.
The vocal part of the programme is further varied by the inclusion of a “classical scat” – Bach’s Air on the G String and Caccini’s Ave Maria sung by three members of the choir.
In a departure from other concerts, this year three outstanding young dancers have also been included. The mature art of Sudesh Mantillake’s performance in an original modern dance Insight belies his youthful appearance. He is a lecturer in Performing Art in the Fine Arts Dept. of the University of Peradeniya. The other two performers are the winner and the runner-up of this year’s Young Performers’ Competition which the Kandy Music Society organizes annually to enable Kandy’s under-twenties to exhibit their skills. The dimunitive Oshini Aloysius is focused and fluent far beyond her years. The extraordinary grace and precision of Chamari Kudabalage, who was chosen “Young Performer of the Year” makes it almost impossible to believe that she is deaf and dumb. The accompanist is Namali Premawardhana. Néné Pilzer (flute) and Joy Butcher (’cello) enrich several items in arrangements by Bridget Halpé.
All proceeds go to the Deaf and Blind school. The performance in Kandy will be on August 29 at 6.30 p.m. at Girls’ High School Hall and the performance in Colombo will be on the 31st at 7 p.m. at St. Peter’s College Hall, Bambalapitiya. Admission is by programme available from Bridget Halpé (tel. 081-2239 113), Haasinee Andree (tel. 0112 723026) and at the gate. Donor seats are priced at Rs 1000. |