This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. This was said by Franklyn Roosevelt in his inaugural address as President of the United States of America in 1933. He said this at a time when the depression had reached its depth.
Depression or not when a government assumes power in Sri Lanka, I believe, it is fear that makes them always talk about what the others did prior to their assuming office. Particularly about how bad the finances are.
Recently there were statements issued by the interim committee for rugby on the state of the finances in the rugby land. Statements they make are more or less of what were left behind. I wonder what makes them to keep issuing statements. Is it the fear of fear or the heat emanating by virtue of their appointments being made by the political forum. The appointment to office under the sports law was to correct what was believed to be the impasse created by quarrelling sides outside of the rugby playing field but within the boundaries of rugby administration and management.
I am trying hard not to believe that IC is making statements like politicians to cover themselves. Possibly it might be a halo effect that forces to make an error in judgment in my interpretation. I do hopefully believe that my thoughts are a result of perception and not the actual.
I reflect on what I have read on how bad the finances are and how there has been expenses over income. I am tempted to ask the question can figures be understood on its own or need to be considered with other circumstances, the events that brought about that final figure. There was statement attributed to those within the SLRFU about the fifteen million that has been over spent. Last week the statement was that over 18 million rupees was spent in the least three months. To the average who will take things on face value it would be “Oh! My! God! Every body would probably come to the conclusion that this looks bad and suggest that a wrong has been committed. Fair enough from what you have heard. The start and where did all these a start? It started when they begun to cut the nose to spite the face. All this was done because of power.
Then look at the figure in relation to events or activity and is it something terrible or running events without necessary funds. The evil does not look that bad. Is the overdraft a result of bad management lack of finances and or spending in anticipation? If one were to reflect on the amount spent in the last three months which amounts to around 18 million then one need to look at the events during that period . There was the Asian Dragons tournament, The Asian five Nations tournament, the under 20 tournament in Korea, and the development squad that went to Dubai. These require funds for travel, training and payments for coaches and expenses for the players.
There is also expenses men’s and women’ sevens tournament the RWC sevens qualifiers, the Singer Sri Lanka Sevens etc. Will somebody now look and ask as to how much went into these tournaments. There were the payments for twenty two officials for development. Can we be without them?
Well take stock of things and start planning the future for which the interim committee is now tasked. The others now must look up and ask did we spit up only to find that it falls on your face. Make a self confession while asking the question why did the minister use his powers and appoint this interim committee. The answer will point the fingers at you. Even if the IC were to give what is been asked by some, the annual general meeting will things get on the correct path. That will only happen if all get together and have and work together with a plan that follows a vision. What is been reaped is what was sowed.
When all else is now talking of the Union and wanting it back in place the IC is getting about its business .Handling an dealing with matters that has to be first finished. The sevens in Kandy are being played after much pushing and pulling. The Hong Kong seven is the first of the Internationals Sri Lanka will play. So we need to get a tournament going if we consider our strength in Asia is with the sevens. One hears of names and committees being formed to effect reforms. Hopefully they will not consist of some names that have been publicized. Some do have a history that may not withstand scrutiny while others have had their credentials questioned. It was the recent questioning that led to the present state.
= Vimal Perera is a former Rugby Referee, coach and Accredited Referees Evaluator IRB