In response to a letter by Charitha de Silva, a former Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC) Chairman published in last week’s The Sunday Times FT where he said the Code of Ethics was promulgated in 1982 under the chairmanship of the late P.A.Silva, and that remains unchanged today, Chandra Jayaratne, former CCC Chairman has sent the following response:
“The Chamber Committee in 2001-2002, adopted a set of Core Values and identified six objectives to achieve over a period of three years from 2001-2004, the goals set out in its Mission. One of the objectives so identified was” To be recognized by the public as the key promoter of business ethics, social responsibility, and human capital development in the Private Sector”. A Sub Committee was charged with the responsibility to revise the existing Code of Ethics and Conduct and to ensure that it is in line with the new Core Values (including, placing the interests of the nation first) and the Objectives of CCC. The revised Code of Ethics was formally adopted by the Chamber Committee and circulated to all members, and formed a part of the “Private Sector Charter” adopted during 2001-2002.
The above process was described by me in statements made at seminars and workshops over the past several years. The CCC Annual Report 2001-2002 page13 reads as follows - “Private Sector Charter”- “The Chamber with a view to guide business decisions, actions and attitudes towards reaching the highest standards of corporate responsibility and conduct adopted a Charter on a voluntary basis. The Charter was approved by the Committee and circulated to the membership.” |