While around them the music scene keeps on changing, the Thomians who form the Classical Music Association work hard to help create better awareness and appreciation of Classical Music.
The Classical Music Association celebrates twenty six years this year, and has many distinguished musicians including The Revelations. The current members of the association have, over the past few weeks, busied themselves with preparing for the Inter School Music Quiz 2009, which is to be held on July 1 at 2 pm at the College Hall.
“We feel that the quiz is a really good place for music aficionado’s to come into their own,” says Si-hua Chang, the Project Co-Chairperson. The quiz is open to school going participants of any age group, and is not only an educational venture but a fun one too. Thus although the primary focus of the quiz is classical music, the quiz also deals with some contemporary music in order that it would create more interest among a wider group.
Establishing the quiz as a popular inter school event was not easy, and it still has its challenges. “Our biggest challenge in organizing the quiz is to persuade schools to participate because classical music does not have the same following as does sports, drama or interact club activities,” explains Dylan John, the President of the organizing committee. “Given the success of last year’s competition though, more schools have shown interest in participating, and that is very encouraging to see.
Dylan John |
Si-Hua Cheng |
Sponsored by Trans Graphics, the Inter School Music Competition 2009 has been an interesting work in progress for the committee who has handled every aspect of organization, right down to designing the questions. “Some of the questions we have lined up for this years quiz are quite tough!” smiles Dylan.
“Although the quiz is open to any age group of students, it is of particular interest to Ordinary Level music students who would find it useful practice to answer these questions. We have also added some questions which digress from a typical music theory syllabus, and those are purely for interest and to create more all round knowledge.”
While the 40 schools invited to participate will no doubt have a challenging, yet interesting time at the quiz, members of the audience too will have a lot to gain from the quiz which will run in three rounds with a few entertainment items between each stage.
Entrance is free, and the quiz will take place from 2pm to 6pm. For further details contact Upendra on 0755395836.
The print media sponsor for the event will be The Sunday Times.