

Hambantota in major drive to attract investors
Hambantota is sprucing up for a major event - a trade exhibition and investment forum - from August 22 to 24 at the Hambantota District Chamber of Commerce (HDCC) premises and "The Oasis" hotel.

The event is being undertaken in collaboration with the Ministry of Southern Region Development, Rural Economic Advancement Programme of the southern province, the Southern Development Authority and the active participation of the southern Provincial Council.

HDCC said in a statement that the overall objective is to help accelerate economic growth throughout the district by facilitating private sector investment and marketing the southern region as an investment zone, both nationally and internationally.

The Isuru Asiri 2002 exhibition brings together a wide range of skills, provides an opportunity to share these skills, knowledge and new technology, and at the same time promote the latest in products and services available both to and from the southern region which is being considered a key region for development.

The investment forum at the "The Oasis" is themed 'the role of the BOI in the development of the Ruhuna" and will be chaired by Power and Energy Minister Karu Jayasuriya with Southern Region Development Minister Ananda Kularatne.

Opposition leader Mahinda Rajapakse and Oddvar Laegreid Charge d'Affaires, Royal Norwegian Embassy will along with Jayasuriya be associated in opening the exhibition on successive days. NORAD, through the Royal Norwegian Embassy, Colombo, is the principle donor providing funds to the Entrepreneur Service Centre of the HDCC.

HDCC said some major development projects have been earmarked and are underway in the southern region and will receive a boost through this exhibition cum conference.

The Investment Forum will highlight the potential and available opportunities within the district and generally across the south. The exhibition will centre around three main themes - products and services of the district, services; information and technology know-how available from outside the district; beneficial to development of the local business community and projects operating within the district.

Trincomalee prepares for mega fair
Trincomalee will from August 15 to 20 play host to one of the biggest trade exhibitions in recent times in Sri Lanka aimed at boosting this scenic location as an excellent base for foreign investment.

The Sri Lankan government through the Industries Ministry is organising the "Yuga Dekma" (which means showcase of the era) exhibition where a large number of state and private sector institutions will be exhibiting their products and highlighting their achievements. These displays will be held inside specially constructed rigid tents with several stalls inside. "Yuga Dekma" will give Trincomalee a boost and help to promote the idea that peace is a prerequisite for successful economic development," a statement from the Board of Investment (BOI) said.

The BOI will manage one of these tents and will carry out an exhibition of photos, videos, multi-media presentations, as well as products manufactured in Sri Lanka by BOI companies. The historical development of the BOI from its early origins to its current status as the One Stop Shop for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into the country will be the main focus of this exhibition.

The development of Export Processing Zones and their role in the national economy will also figure prominently. On August 18, the BOI for the first time in the history of foreign direct investment in Sri Lanka will conduct an Investor Forum in Trincomalee aimed at those interested in investing in Sri Lanka. Some 400 companies of which 200 are foreign firms are taking part in the exhibition. Industries Minister Rohitha Bogollagama and BOI chairman Arjuna Mahendran made a joint visit to the 26-acre Trincomalee site lost week where workers were preparing the location for this mega fair.

Bricks and clicks
Choosing right delivery channels for your business
By Nilooka Dissanayake
Most of us, when we dream of our own business focus on a product or service. Some of us find a market or a group of consumers to serve and work towards providing what suits them.

Whichever category you belong to, your channels of delivery are important to you. As you build the blueprint for your dream business, don't forget to consider the delivery channels.

Delivery channels or the "place" where you make your product or service available is considered as one of the 4Ps in marketing. The channels available to your new business depend on the type of product or service. Think of the many that you already know. Grocery products and basic consumer items can be sold through retailers or wholesalers. Retailers come in many guises.

The little grocery shop is the pawn of the retail chessboard. Supermarkets and large retailers occupy the top end. There are many others in between.

Are you thinking of marketing a consumer item this way? Then you will benefit from knowing retail trade statistics.

According to Rajiv Dharmendra, Director in charge of the Keells supermarket chain, large retailers account for less than 5% of the retail sales volume in Sri Lanka.

What does this mean to you? On one side, you will see great possibilities for growth of supermarket-type operations. They need not be very large scale.

Little self-service shops and vege-shops can fill this niche quite comfortably. On the other hand, if you keep on trying to supply to supermarkets, you are restricting your own scope.

You are also competing with thousands of others in a market with little bargaining power. Large retailers prefer a few vendors with a wide product range to many vendors selling one or two items each. It eases their administrative burden and helps ensure quality.

Traditional channels open to your business will vary with the type of market. Some will be time tested with entrenched procedures and practices.

Approach untested possibilities with caution. Do your research and test their merit keeping your risks under control. There is no substitute to getting out there and talking to people. Do ground work to build your dream castle on a solid foundation.

There are new delivery channels that did not exist 10 years ago. Think of the Internet. It is a great delivery channel and a boon to small businesses. In the traditional world of "bricks and mortar" large retailers lord over small businesses.

They can afford big showrooms in affluent locations. Small businesses cannot compete on equal terms.

But in the world of "clicks", the Internet enabled small business can compete on equal terms if it is able to build a good reputation.

Can we do it in Sri Lanka? Yes, you can. Quite a few Sri Lankan companies are already making use of the Internet to deliver goods and services not only within Sri Lanka, but also to international markets. But let us keep that topic for another time.

Whether you go for bricks or clicks, or a sensible mix of the two, you must make the choice by understanding your customer.

A delivery channel is a success only if your customer uses it. A supermarket in Timbuktu or a website that no one visits will not make a successful channel.

The choice of delivery channels also depends upon what your business can afford. Nice to have a large shop or service unit in a shopping mall or city centre location.

But, can you afford it? So, when you think of delivery channels for your business, think not only of owning your own place.

Think up possibilities of using or sharing the channels already in place. Think of entering into strategic partnerships that can help you reach your chosen customers.

As with all the rest of the 4Ps in marketing, while choosing delivery channels too you need to think different; to stand out from the competition; be different not for the sake of it, but in a way to give value to your customer.

Wondering about the best channels for your new business? Tell us your concerns. You can reach us on or 074-304100.

(The writer is a Chartered Management Accountant by profession with a Masters in Business Administration from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. She is the Managing Editor of Athwela Vyaparika Sangarawa (Athwela Business Journal), the only Sinhala management monthly targeting the small and medium- sized business operators.)

Tea prices rise sharply at Colombo auction
Tea prices rose sharply at the Colombo auctions last week due to good demand for the better quality varieties, brokers said.

In the ex-estate catalogues a wider range of seasonal quality teas on offer attracted widespread demand.

"Buyers operating for key continental markets such as Germany and the Netherlands bid actively against those bidding on behalf of clients in Japan," Asia Siyaka Commodities said.

"Both BOP and BOPFs moved up in value with price gains in excess of Rs. 50 per kg being quite common."

The market for good liquoring teas was "bullish" with better liquoring Westerns too gaining in value, the brokers said.

A wider range of teas in the best and below best category came in for more support, establishing a more clearly segmented market after a considerable length of time.

The tea-for-price segment remained fully firm and some of the cleaner teas gained Rs. 2 to Rs. 4 per kg.

Asia Siyaka Commodities said specialty teas were doing well with the diverse range of orthodox high-and mid-grown whole-leaf and semi-leaf teas on offer attracting significant interest among buyers. This was on top of continuing good demand for similar low-growns.

The range of bright liquoring specialty teas such as OP, FBOP and Pekoe have moved up sharply in value following improved weather conditions.

"Sri Lanka's traders have done well by creating awareness and market opportunity in the global trade, and this augurs well for the industry," Asia Siyaka said.

Some of the first teas of the Eastern quality season to attract international attention were the specialty range of Ceylons, it said.

"We believe that the price potential of this significant segment is yet to be fulfilled."

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