ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Vol. 41 - No 21
Financial Times

TAASL President welcomes SLFP-UNP MoU

Nihal Perera, President of the Travel Agents Association of Sri Lanka has hailed the proposed SLFP-UNP MoU which he says augurs well in nation building and is β€œ a landmark event in the political history of Sri Lanka.”

β€œThe vision of President Mahinda Rajapaksha inviting UNP to join the cabinet will certainly turn the pages of history of Sri Lanka as a memorable event.

The signing of the MoU will certainly usher a new political culture which no doubt will bring peace and prosperity to Sri Lanka,” he said.

Perera said the travel and tourism industry will no doubt receive a major boost internationally and Sri Lanka can benefit enormously with the growth of visitors to Sri Lanka for investment, business development, leisure and pleasure.

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