New thrust at Geneva
peace talks
- Govt. to seek discussions on core issues
within time frame
By Our Political Editor
The Government will propose at the upcoming Geneva
talks with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) that discussions
should centre on core issues to the ethnic conflict and that a series
of dates be decided on for the issues to be taken up within a specific
time frame.
Nimal Siripala de Silva. |
It was agreed yesterday, during a workshop for
the Sri Lanka delegation, that the matter should be raised by delegation
leader Nimal Siripala de Silva when talks begin on October 28. It
was also agreed that the delegation will propose a series of dates
for future discussions.
Jan Hanssen Bauer |
This would be a departure from the earlier practice
of only deciding on the next round of discussions. The idea in arranging
for a series of dates, a member of the delegation told The Sunday
Times yesterday, was to ensure that talks are held within a specific
time frame and core issues are tackled during that period.
Although Norway’s Special Envoy Jon Hanssen
Bauer and Oslo’s Ambassador Hans Brattskar confirmed with
LTTE Political Wing leader, S.P. Thamilselvan that they would attend
the talks, an important issue connected with it still remains to
be resolved.
That is, the arrangements for an LTTE delegation
to pass through Colombo. The Norwegian peace facilitators had conveyed
to the Government leaders that the LTTE wanted to check in earlier
at a hotel in Negombo and expects to be driven to the tarmac to
board a flight. The Government has rejected the proposal on the
grounds that only the President, and not even Cabinet ministers
were accorded that facility.
Consultations were under way to finalise a mutually
acceptable procedure. Both Mr. Hanssen Bauer and Mr. Brattskar were
due to leave Colombo on Thursday night. A delayed return to the
City prompted Mr. Bauer to return to Oslo early last morning. However,
Mr. Brattskar has remained until procedural arrangements are finalized.