Unknowingly we become conditioned to believe that happiness is something to be chased after throughout life. This condition can gently lead us to a life searching for happiness instead of being happy. Stop! Would you rather be happy or be looking for happiness? Are you spending most of your time looking for happiness or are you happy mostly? Generally most people spend most of their time looking for happiness and are happy only occasionally.
Defeating others
Many imagine that being the first brings lasting happiness. A race to be the first is in general present in the classroom, university, at work…..simply everywhere. Imagine a person chasing to become the first. Such a person will have an inner urge to move ahead of others - to be above the group - to defeat others and stand out. When you attempt to defeat others, be the first and rise above the rest, happiness will drown. Feelings such as unhappiness, sorrow, uneasiness, anxiety, nervousness, being ill at ease, sadness, discontent and gloom will occur often.
What if you are unable to be the first? What if another does not lose to you? Building a life based on the performance of others distances you from being happy. So think of a few ways that you can live the life you really want, independent from defeating others. Allow your mind to imagine living the life you dream of instead of moving ahead of others.
A Gentle journey
The moment the urge to defeat others and be the first disappears, happiness appears. The journey of life becomes gentle. You'll feel neither good nor bad about the journey. An effortless, gentle and joyful life will emerge. Every person has a unique ability. Starting today you can start discovering your unique ability. It may be painting, singing, writing, speaking, a sport, gardening, cooking or simply humming. It need not be something big or sophisticated. It is a "unique something" that you are good at and feel good doing.
If you are unable to discover your unique talent, you can simply begin doing whatever you are doing slightly better. You can improve a procedure. You can add value or simplify the way something is done.
A housewife can rearrange the house and make it more pleasant, prepare a new dish, be more flexible with children, introduce small things that will bring joy to all at home daily. A father going to work can discover new avenues of prosperity; ways of helping the kids and wife; innovating ways that affords more free time to spend with the family.
Every woman is a queen - every man a king. Your kingdom is your home. You have the freedom and ability to improve the wellbeing of your home, neighbourhood, office and society. You have only to discover and make your unique contribution, and life will begin to flourish. You'll experience the life of a joyful queen and king. Life becomes gentle and joyful.
Allow creativeness to emerge
Happiness disappears when you seek it, and vanishes when you try to create it. Happiness is not the end result of a creation or a journey. It is a state of being that you can allow to emerge. As you allow, it will find you easily.
Countless studies have revealed there is very little to do between success and happiness. This is a feeling that we acquire as we grow. There however is a lot to do between happiness and your mind. As unpleasant feelings as unhappiness, sorrow, uneasiness, anxiety, nervousness, being ill at ease, sadness, discontent, and gloom disappear- happy, joyful, pleasurable, carefree, pleasant, and blissful feelings appear.
As you realize this character of your mind you begin to habitually let go of unpleasant feelings as they arise. Your mind gently becomes more delightful. Happiness overflows and you begin to discover how joyful life can be. |