When a squirrel gets accustomed to living in a cage the caged life becomes comfortable. The squirrel gets food in time and is safe from animals, whereas in the open it does not have such protection. It has to find food, shelter and protect itself from other animals. Responsibility of life then lies on the squirrel and he has to take responsibility for every action. But in a cage the owner of the cage feeds him and provides shelter and protection from other animals. As time passes the squirrel feels more comfortable and safe about being caged and he opts to remain caged even when the opportunity to be free arises.
Power, popularity and position
Unknowingly many of us put up many cages. Power, popularity and position are a few cages we construct. It is easy to live caged, and life appears to be at risk in the absence of a cage. Outward problems may trouble you time and again, while power, popularity and position save us from most troubles. We unknowingly become fond of these and make an effort to protect these cages. Remaining within these cages and living noisily becomes comfortable and such people often work hard to protect their views. They are afraid of opposing views and are happy about the struggle they put up to defend their views. Generally they do not feel that others may also be correct. They feel good living within their cage, protecting the cage and blaming those who are free without cages.
Could happen unknowingly
This could happen to us unknowingly. When authentic freedom awakens, we realize the complaints we have been lodging against others and let go of them. Then possibility to think freely arises, ideas flow freely and dissolves the need to delegate responsibility for one's discomfort upon others. You realize that you are responsible for all thoughts and feelings that you experience. All resistance you ever had against your mother, father, wife, husband, daughter, son, friend, boss, aunt, uncle and neighbour disappears, and you experience a freedom of your mind - something beyond any you've ever experienced.
With it comes responsibility
When authentic freedom awakens the mind becomes totally free. The free mind is free of bonds and no authority or power exists over it. Neither is the free mind dependant on a power, person or position. It is free of all things and assumes total responsibility. Responsibility is not a burden, it is peaceful and has no concepts nor rules. It has no authority and is totally independent. It is actually not a responsibility but a mind state that does not hand over responsibility to another party. As you realize that responsibility is a state of mind you are no longer disturbed by it. A limitless joy arises, then.
Creativity blossoms with freedom, you feel free to write, dance, sing, talk, smile, laugh…. do whatever you want to do. You are not framed by limitation and unlimited thoughts arise and move away. This occurs spontaneously and life feels beautiful, time flows, events take place and you experience unlimited freedom ….effortlessly.
Boundless blessings!
Dr. Priyanga de Zoysa
Author - Teacher - Life coach
www.PriyangadeZoysa.com |