We are an independent top performing college providing CIM courses (Chartered Institute of Marketing ) delivered at a premium location in the Sri Lanka- located at number 23 Harmer's Avenue Colombo 6 and also on-line via Distance Learning. We are one of the largest CIM colleges to get top exam results in the country , this includes 35 Sri Lanka Prizes including three world prizes in the last four years.
We also provide public courses, consultancy and internal company training specializing in all areas of marketing , sales and customer serv
Technology/Extensive e book library
We use extensive on line student support system. This enables us to teach our students at the same standard globally as all our materials are on line and there are extensive resources in our
The first of its kind,E book library for all sessions. We also have laptop rentals for our student at ultra low price to enable the students to get the best out the internet during their study at The Knowledge Factory .

Our Managing Director and principal lecturer Failan Saleem, has created some bespoke training for many companies. These can be bought directly from us. Samples training proposals can be viewed on our site, www.knowledgefactory.lk
Staff/The best of the best
We are always looking for marketers who are passionate about teaching and love looking after students. The most important part of our business is the kindness and support we can give our students during their stay with us - which is why we get a 92% student satisfaction rating for our courses and most importantly we have the best marks in the world for stage one assignments. Our specialist approach in assignment coaching has helped many students to get through with flying colours, this includes not one , but two students getting world prizes for the Marketing for Stakeholders assignments.
Extra curricular activities/CIM Cricket Champions
The Winner takes it all….

Tuesday 10th February, 2009 might have been just another ordinary day for most people but for a team of us it was a day full of excitement, laughter and unforgettable memories. It was the day of the CIM (Inter Institute) Cricket Carnival, where The Knowledge Factory (TKF) proved to be the Best example of the well known phrase, 'Together Everyone Achieves More!'
Anyone who walked into the BRC grounds on that day was bound to have noticed the dearly decorated red TKF tent with the most adorable ladybirds. In, out and around this tent was a wide circle of friends laughing, cheering and having just one thought in mind, "The TKF cricket team is going to play their maximum. No matter if we win or lose we're going to have fun but, if we win That would be a Bonus!" We believe that it was this thought, The support and enthusiasm
provided by our hot and pretty cheerleaders along with our amazing TKF community guided by our navigator Failan Saleem and most importantly our Team Spirit that led the TFK cricket team to live up to all expectations and emerge champions of this event.
6 awards out of 8 makes one ask the question, "So does the winner really take it all?" Well that's almost exactly what TKF did. Way to go TKF!!