Imperial College, the longest established Business School in Sri Lanka and a premier CIMA tuition provider commenced classes on December 5 for the Operational, Management and Strategic Levels for the May 2010 examinations under the new CIMA syllabus. Outfitted with unparalleled lecturers and exceptional facilities, we have witnessed 5 syllabus changes, making us the most experienced institute to be geared for our 6th syllabus change.
Panel of lecturers
Imperial College prepares students with the well rounded education that industry demands, guided by a prominent panel of lecturers. Our Faculty is committed to academic excellence and relevant teaching, whether in front of a classroom or seated next to students in a group discussion, they are dedicated to helping students explore possibilities and achieve their potential.
Our panel of eminent professionals are leaders in industry possessing several years of corporate experience in different aspects of Business and Finance. This means that they not only ensure you understand the subject matter, but they also bring 'real world experiences' into the classroom enabling students to be able to apply theoretical knowledge into a practical sense. Their lectures are structured to be directly relevant to industry, commerce and professions in various fields. They also go the extra mile and do additional work for students, by having additional classes in order to practise more questions.
Unrivalled study support
We seek to impart on our students not only knowledge and skills but also creativity and intelligence in resolving problems and facing upto different situations. To achieve this we place great emphasis on an interactive teaching-learning process, strengthened by close lecturer - student relationships. Students can approach any lecturer at any time to get additional guidance. We have created an interactive website and an online discussion forum whereby students can access various discussions and post questions they wish to have clarified. The entire learning environment is designed to be a true benefit to students.
Exclusive revision programme
Students at Imperial College benefit from a comprehensive revision plan which comprises 20 hours per subject. During revisions lecturers lead students through significant areas of the syllabus that examiners find important in addition to practising numerous examination questions and working several past papers. Further, questions are also practised in the classroom and during additional question practice classes.
Nurturing tomorrow's leaders
In order to mould our students into successful professionals with fruitful careers, it is imperative that they are coached not only on the subject matter, but also on high professional standards and values which will distinguish them against others when they are employed. Preparing our students not only for examinations, but also for successful professional careers is what we strive for. We also provide a mentoring programme, advising students on subject selection and offering career guidance. We instill in them the essentials, making certain that they are all set to be employed. We also go the extra mile in assisting them with finding the right job that best suits them.
Our achievements
The testimony of our students and our success lies in our pass rates. We have maintained exceptional pass rates above the Sri Lankan average and have coached many students towards achieving World and Sri Lankan Prizes at all levels. We remain committed towards adding value to students, making their experience one of a kind.
Strategic level with a common case
It is important to note that though the pre-seen case study is common, the unseen material will be based on individual scenarios relevant to each subject, this makes it of paramount importance that students are exposed to expertise in all 3 subjects. We have formulated an exceptional team of lecturers comprising Pravinth Rajaratnam, Usama Jiffry and Lasantha Wijeweera. They have immense expertise in their respective fields, enabling them to contribute significantly to the analysis of the pre-seen material.
They possess several years of experience in teaching their respective subject areas backed by vast industry experience which results in students getting unsurpassed support. The team is headed by Pravinth Rajaratnam, an experienced and vastly popular lecturer. Pravinth has broad experience in not only teaching the Financial Pillar but he is also well versed with Performance Strategy and Enterprise Strategy. Being a Sri Lankan Prize Winner for Business Strategy and having been involved with lecturing TOPCIMA and analysing numerous case studies, he is best equipped to lead the team.
Together they will ensure that the pre-seen material will be analysed in-depth, and develop a minimum of 2 scenarios for each subject ensuring that you are equipped with thorough knowledge to confidently sit the exam. They will steer you towards discovering how to ask the right questions, how to be critical thinkers and how to find solutions. This team is the fuel that drives you to display confidence and be successful at your examinations.
Imperial College is committed towards adding value to students and providing unmatched support and facilities.
For more information on CIMA at Imperial College , visit us at No. 3, St. Kilda's Lane, Colombo 3, or call us on 0773 918 777 or 011 4 51 52 53.
