Coca-Cola Beverages Sri Lanka Ltd recently completed the fourth phase of its ‘Say We Care’ project that consisted of uplifting the standards of the Moragahapallama Vidyalaya in Ampara.
Initiated by the employees of the company, the project involved the construction of three toilets, to build a library, provided the students with school material such as stationary and books for the library, renovating the current buildings, water supply to the school with Coke continuing to support the school by conducting leadership programmes for children.

Picture shows the Coke team behind the project. |
“The entire project was completed within a record three weeks time and handed over to the school amidst joyous celebrations. The students, teaching staff and parents were part of the hand-over ceremony to show their appreciation to the Coca-Cola staff for the speedy completion of the project,” the company said in a statement.
Patrick Pech, Country Manager - Coca-Cola Beverages Sri Lanka, said: “In the realm of Corporate Social Responsibility, the ‘Say We Care’ project can be categorised as one-of-a-kind, since it was set up solely on the initiative of our employees who have bonded together to mobilise funds and implement the entire project on their own steam.”
Mr. E.P. Gnanathilake, Principal, Moragahapallama Vidyalaya, noted: “On behalf of the students and staff of Moragahapallama Vidyalaya, I would like to express my deepest thanks to the Coca-Cola Company and its staff for having identified our humble school to be the recipients of their immense generosity.” |