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For the sake of rugby |
Last Sunday I had the pleasant surprise of receiving a call from the President of The Interim Committee for Rugby in Sri Lanka Dr Maiya Gunasekera. Dr Gunasekera in discussing the present situation said that he is committed to having an SGM and getting the amendments approved. He believes that the lack of quorum to hold the last convened SGM was unfortunate. He hopes and wants the SGM to be held soon and thereafter the AGM. He really does not want the membership of the IRB to be compromised. He said that he wants to hold the SGM as fast as possible and at the time of writing, 8th February is confirmed as the date for the SGM.
As I have said in recent times the famed second rower has now placed the ball effectively in the hands of the provincial Unions who have to decide on the fate of the game. The ball being in your hands you have to score. Talking about how bad the law is written is not going to help you to win. As the Doc says ‘ If you think there are any more changes to be made, that can be done when the new council takes office after the next AGM .’ Words of wisdom from somebody who believes, he is dictatorial in his profession as a doctor but considers a degree of democracy otherwise.
The constitution, the President said, was presented in its amended form after a mandate was given for him to work together with the President of the Southern Rugby Football Union. He says that this was done and the issue is the result of their working together. Kumar on the other hand agreed that he did have contact and that 95% of what is in the form of an amended document is what was discussed. Yet the 5 % he thinks are serious issues as spots have been placed on the baby that was given birth to. What the provincial unions are unable to bite is that there has been a change to the draft that was approved at the SGM held in June. Doc Gunasekera explains that these were amendments to keep in line with the sport ministry as well as the sports law.
SLRFU Interim Committee head
Dr. Maiya Gunasekera has a task at hand |
He explained that the SLRFU constitution is not God’s law and can be amended by the constituent bodies if they don’t like it. The issue at hand is to approve the amendments and have the AGM. Some however feel that the interim is trying to force a constitution that has been changed or else face the consequences. The issue is not that simple as it seems and the President of the Interim believes that he is sincere in his desire to have the SGM and hold the AGM to pave the way for an elected body. The issue that separates both parties is that there seems to be doubt in the bona fide, intention and methods that are being used.
If it was to be my way I would ask what your objective is. That is to have an elected body and to get rid of the tag interim. Focus and get it out of the way and deal with matters that are complicating issues, which is very much easier said than done. Yet you have to do it or else it will be interim and no IRB status, no funds, no development.
Thus if there is a clause that prevents those who have not played in what as defined as a major tournament and bothers you. Do not worry! The draft constitution allows for seeking interpretation as that here is a sports law that has now been added as a clause. The amended constitution clause VII 3 b includes a section of the sports law 25 of 1973 and reads as follows. “ No person shall be nominated for election as an Office Bearer or Committee Member in a National Association other than as a Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer unless he has participated in the sport promoted by that association or has played in a major tournament , meet or competition registered conducted or approved by that association .” (Emphasis added by writer)
The issue here is what does participating mean? That is to ensure that it is rugby and not cycling or other as explained by Doctor Gunasekera. Thus the Ministry can give interpretation to have a person included using this wide part of the sentence that comes before “Or”. This to my simple mind even participation in the interim committee can make you eligible.
If the issue is about ‘Division club’ getting 2 votes than amend it and pass it as I understand that the Western Province who have the majority of “A” Division clubs does not mind a change.
Let us hope and wish that the amendment will be passed with amendments beginning with the top sentence in page one after the title which reads as’ “This constitution was adopted at a special general meeting of the membership on 22 November 1992 and replaces the constitution and by laws of the union then in force as adopted by the Special general meeting held on 3.11.74 and subsequent amendments”. Are we amending the 1992 constitution or the 1974 constitution and referring to a SGM held In November 1992 or June 2010. One really wonders whether the AG has gone through this.
“To get through the hardest journey we need to take one step at a time, but we must keep stepping.”
Vimal Perera is a former Rugby Referee, coach and Accredited Referees Evaluator IRB |