Click and Go is the latest innovative product in line with the latest technology to be introduced to the motor insurance industry by MBSL Insurance Co. Ltd. This new product makes claiming under motor insurance very easy and hassle free. The Sunday Times Supplement Desk spoke to Mr. Sydney Gajanayake, Managing Director of MBSL Insurance to find out more about their latest product.
Tell us about your product and how it operates?

Mr. Sydney Gajanayake, Managing Director |
Being a newcomer to the industry we have clearly understood that in order to survive in the industry one has to meet the demands of the market. Therefore we thought of introducing a very attractive and innovative product that can successfully cater to the upper market needs. This unique product named 'Click and Go' is a motor insurance product, which makes claiming under motor insurance very easy, and hassle free.
With Click and Go when a customer meets with an accident they can simply call us and intimate a claim. The customer then can take pictures of their damaged vehicle from their camera phone and send it to us via MMS or email. This is a product that will definitely assist female drivers and the business community, who do not like to wait at the accident scene due to busy schedules. Also in today's busy environment no one for that matter likes to waste his or her valuable time waiting for an assessor to arrive after an accident has taken place. A majority of the new generation mobile phones today has the camera facility therefore it is easy for an individual to take the necessary photographs and MMS it to the MBSL Insurance call centre hot line
What differentiates this product from other competitor products in the market?
The key-differentiating factor is that our policyholder will not have to wait until an assessor arrives at the accident scene. Therefore through this product the waiting time factor has been completely eliminated. Our fully fledged IT centres and well equipped Motor Engineers will assess the repair dispatch an assessor with the claim form to your doorstep. Upon mutual agreement of the claim amount, you can sign the form and the claim will be settled by crediting your relevant bank account or by the delivery of a cheque.
This method greatly reduces the unnecessary paperwork time, which include submitting of estimates and documents. This method can be effectively practiced for most of the accidents, which take place. Our main focus is to cut down on the claim process time and this we have done effectively through efficient software and advanced technologies.
What is your target market for this product?
Currently our target markets for this particular motor insurance product are all private car, jeep, van and pickup owners.
Do you have to pay an additional premium for this facility?
No, a customer does not have to pay an additional premium. We have also re engineered the product with an array of new features at no additional cost
What happens to policyholders who do not have camera phones?
Those who do not have a camera phone will have to go through the normal claim procedure.
Will you not be faced with fraudulent claims?
This is also a trust factor that we have placed with our policyholders, in utmost confidence, making them partners in the claim settlement process.
Insurance is a trust that we share with our policyholders; therefore this is a classic example of further endorsing this trust in our customers
How fast do you settle a claim?
All claims will be settled within 24 hours.
What are your future plans for 2010?
By the end of this month we will be making an island wide presence, which will include the North and East areas of the country. We also have made plans to introduce a new life insurance product which will revolutionize the concept of life insurance in Sri Lanka . |