With the world undergoing so many changes the housing industry too has been compelled to introduce out of the box housing solutions that are fit to suit the demands of the modern day customer. Today housing is more than a mere roof over ones head concept, a house must therefore be a home providing a healthy living environment, comfort, a luxury life style and be surrounded by eco friendly surroundings. The Sunday Times Supplement Desk spoke to Mr. Dilan Senevirathne, Assistant General Manager of Nivasie Developers (Pvt.) Ltd. to find out why Nivasie projects stand out from the rest.

Mr. Dilan Senevirathne, Assistant General Manager of Nivasie Developers (Pvt.) |
"Presently people are demanding that housing solutions be built around a green concept. Also with people becoming more health conscious they prefer to invest in a home that will allow them to live a healthy lifestyle. Due to reasons as such as this a housing developer has to ensure that the product they offer not only has been built to perfection with all the modern amenities and other facilities but also that location and other environmental factors have also been taken into consideration for their product to be accepted in the market. This is why when we develop housing solutions we ensure that our projects are located in eco friendly environments where roads and other common areas have been given ample space. Our focus therefore is to undertake housing projects that preserve and capture beauty of the environment", says Mr. Senevirathne.
People today are looking for a place to live in which they can take a brisk walk in the evenings. They are looking for an environment with less noise and one without air pollution. As individuals become more health conscious and like to reside in an environment that they can relax and enjoy with friends and family, location becomes the most important determining factor with regards to housing.
"With the hustle and bustle of city life increasing many city folk has opted to own holiday homes away from the city, which are ideal to spend holidays. Kandy therefore has become a popular destination to live in and also to spend ones vacation. The cool climes of the Kandy city have attracted many locals and tourists and to this day Kandy has become one of the country's most sought after destinations. This is why we have developed the Victoria Range of Bungalows in Digana Kandy which is one of our most successful projects", further stated Mr. Senevirathne.
Nivasie projects come complete with manmade lakes and jogging tracks through wooded areas has been allocated for most of the projects. In addition to this even the building materials used for Nivasie projects are to be environmentally friendly. Therefore it is safe to say that Nivasie Developers have contributed significantly towards preserving Sri Lanka's natural environment and reduce pollution levels drastically.
"Nivasie has always planned ahead ensuring that our housing projects have adequate natural surroundings. We are not the type of developer to overcrowd our projects with too many houses, but ensure that our customers will have the ability to experience nature at its best. Taking this type of decision is not always profitable to us but we have always concentrated on the customers' well being, which has always been of the utmost importance in all our business dealings, concluded Mr. Senevirathne.
Understanding that 'health is wealth' Nivasie projects have always highlighted the importance of living a healthy life. This is why Nivasie projects have gymnasium facilities, swimming pools and spacious jogging areas to encourage people to adopt healthy lifestyles. Whilst offering the very best of health and eco friendly facilities Nivasie Developers have also taken firm steps that all natural surrounding and other facilities provided are continuously well maintained.
Nivasie Developers have always stood apart from others in the industry due to their high levels of quality and customer satisfaction that is built around a green concept. Developing eco friendly housing solutions is not always profitable to a housing developer, but Nivasie has bravely taken on this challenge and always introduced the very best of housing solutions, a valuable quality that has enabled them to outshine its competitors at all times.-GP |