The most prominent event of the construction industry, the Architect exhibition will be held this year for the 28th consecutive year in BMICH commencing on February 17th. It is due to continue until February 21st, 2010.
This year, there are several special additions for the exhibition and an internationally significant event is also due to be held concurring with the exhibition. Each year the annual exhibition of architects is held as part of the annual sessions of SLIA. For the first time in history this year the 19th general assembly of the Commonwealth Association of Architects (CAA) is also planned to be held in Colombo along with the SLIA events. "We consider this a remarkable achievement for the country as well as for our institute and this event is going to mark a milestone in the history of SLIA," said SLIA President, Architect Chandana Edirisuriya. Nearly 58 countries are due to take part in the CAA meeting. Therefore the 'Architect 2010' exhibition will be a highlight not only locally, but also globally this year.

D. H. Wijewardena-
SLIA Assistant Secretary, Architect |
The Asia region Vice President of CAA, Architect Rukshan Widyalankara who also commented on Sri Lanka hosting this year's CAA general meeting remarked that this would be an excellent opportunity to showcase the up and coming talent of Sri Lanka. "Our architects would also receive the chance to view and admire the architectural trends of Europe. The exchanging of knowledge is vital for the development of the industry."
The main components of the annual sessions would be the inauguration session, the national conference, the exhibition, the annual general meeting and the fellowship night. February 15th, 2010 is the commencement date of this series of activities. This year, unlike previous years, the conference would be held for two days. A book titled 'Identity - Sri Lankan Architect; will also be launched on February 17th, 2010. "This book which features 97 architects is published in commemoration of the SLIA completing 50 years of operation," said Chairman of the Board of Architectural Publications, Russell Dandeniya.
11 eminent international speakers will address the sessions as well as four Sri Lankan speakers. The three key note speakers are Architect Gordon Chong from USA, Architect Ken Yeang from Malaysia and Architect Gaëtan Siew from Mauritius.

Chandana Edirisuriya-
SLIA President, Architect |
The inauguration is held on the February 17th at Water's Edge. The National conference is held on February 18th and 19th at the Cinnamon Grand. "The national conference is primarily for members but it is open for public upon registration," added Architect Edirisuriya. The theme of this year's conference is 'Architecture: rethinking sustainability'. Whilst globally, a massive hype is built on the 'green buildings' Architect D. H. Wijewardena asserted that Sri Lanka is still at a very poor level regarding this concept. He added that through this year's theme, they are hoping to rethink and adjust the paradigms of 'green' constructions to suit and match local contexts. "We need to asses and evaluate whether these paradigms set by other countries really suit the local environments. This year we are hoping to come up with solutions for the construction of greener buildings that would fuse traditional methods of construction with modern aspects of architecture," he added.
The 'Architect 2010' exhibition will commence on February 17th and will continue until the 21st at the BMICH. However it will be open for the public only from February 18th onwards. The exhibition will encompass 350 stalls and 210 companies which are linked to the construction sector in various ways.
SLIA Vice President Professor Chitra Wedikkara, who is in charge of the proceedings of the exhibition added that the amount of knowledge the exhibition provides to the general public throughout the four days, is invaluable. "It serves as a platform for the architects, the professionals of the constructions sector and the public to interact as well as share views and new trends. Building a house or any construction for that matter, is like a messed up jigsaw puzzle. It is only an architect that can arrange this puzzle into perfect order. Architect 2010 provides a chance for the public to first hand experience on these processes. Also, this is an excellent opportunity to encourage the production of innovative products," she added.
The exhibition comprises of every aspect of the construction sector ranging from landscaping to interiors, as well as other technical features. "Our main motive through this exhibition is to create a platform to showcase the abilities of the construction industry. Also, as the SLIA, we aim to consistently maintain a certain momentum within the industry through this exhibition. In such context, SLIA operates as a catalyst for the groups of the construction industry as well as the members of the architectural field and other fields that are linked to the industry to expose themselves," Edirisuriya further explained.
Architect Ranjan Nadespillai who was also spoke added that Sri Lanka, as a country that has always dominated and awed many around the world with the architectural wonders since ancient times, we still uphold the creativity and talent in the same magnitude. "There is immense potential for the Sri Lankan talent in this sector locally as well as anywhere in the world. Architect 2010 simply serves as a channel for this talent to expose themselves more prominently," he added.
This year, an award system is organized through which the SLIA would be appreciating the efforts of the fellow architects and their creations for the exhibition, as well as the efforts of the exhibitors. "Encouraging local productions has been one of the main ideas that we wish to highlight and encourage this year. Appreciating such attempts would lead to the production of more innovative products within the country," Edirisuriya added. Awards will be presented under categories such as best stall, best designed displays and young architect of the year.
Also, mentioning one of the highlights of the event this year, Edirisuriya added that several senior architects will be honored in recognition of the services they have rendered to the Sri Lankan architectural field. The veterans that would be appreciated at the event are, Architect Valentine Gunasekara, Architect Lalith De Silva and Professor Nimal De Silva.