East coast is now open for all the tourism activities. Of all attractions, Arugam Bay stands tall in everything bit of fun and frolic.
Arugam Bay, which is located 230 km East of Colombo, is one of the best surfing and tourist destinations in the world. Arugam Bay is the home for average traveller and it has been ear marked as one of the best surfing locations in the world.
With all these plus points, Arugam Bay has not geared to accommodate more than basics. Ranga’s Beach Hut is without any doubt the most popular place in the area. Still with basic facilities, visitors go there for home made food and for privacy.
Ranga |
Whenever there are just a few visitors in the Bay: They will be at ‘Beach Hut’ for sure; this innovative, artistic and homely place usually is full to capacity. Indeed, Ranga and Beach Hut are what we love about Arugambay.
Old fashioned, relaxed, honest and straight business in a perfect setting is all about Ranaga’s Beach Hut.
It lies midway between two popular National Parks, Lahugala National Park and Kumana Bird Sanctuary, which is the eastern border of Yala National Park. Lahugala is only13 k.m. and Kumana Bird Sanctuary is only 30 km from Ranga’s Beach Hut.
After all these years of terrorists threats and 2004 tsunami, the Beach Hut developed into a popular seafood place and now with nine beach Cabanas and five standard rooms.
This unique family resort in cooled by the lush vegetation surrounding it and the cool breeze from the sea.
The huts are cozy, comfortable, roomy, airy, good bathrooms, wooden and most importantly it is homely. The guest rooms, though, he has used concrete, offer comfortable living and open concept for bathrooms.
The rates for the rooms range from Rs. 750/- to 2500/-, making life easy for an average traveler. ‘This new wing has not used any eco friendly material. This is not the concept. I really wanted to build like my old place but, for the time being I opted to this structure; said Krishnarajan Sundaramoorthy popularly known as Ranga, the proprietor of the place.
The main place and the restaurant are built of wood and eco friendly material.
Ranga’s Beach Hut has amazing food, done in Jaffna style, but genuine home made cuisine.
The service at Ranga’s Beach Hut is homely. The food delicious, offering the catch of the day straight from the Bay beach, fish, jumbo prawns, king crabs, cuttlefish and lobsters are the name of the day. It makes up the mouth watering menu in addition to the usual Western and Eastern cuisine.
For weekends, it would be BBQ on the beach. Dining under the stars and full moon on the horizon with soft Tamil tunes on radio would be the highest beach experience that a traveler could look for.
A host of heritage sites and ruins dating back to the 5th century are in close proximity to the resort.
They are traditional Panama village, Magul Maha Viharaya Mudu Maha Viharaya and Kudumbi Gala Hermitage, the Oakande Rock and Hindu temple, which is said to be the spot where Sindbad the Sailor ended up after a ship wreck.
Ranga’s Beach Hut is copied by many, but this original, chilled place is very special and nobody will ever succeed with any imitation.
Further ‘Beach Hut’ leaves visitors with a feeling that it is a lifestyle, rather than just a commercial enterprise.
For more details call Ranga on 0632248202 or 0773179594.