
Imperial College with CIMA organizes special training for Spell Master Finalists

Imperial College is privileged to be one of the sponsors of CIMA Spell Master Season 2. This all island school competition was initiated to promote and develop the English skills of students. This competition is a challenging and competitive yet fun filled experience for the 2000 participants this year.

As a socially responsible educational institute and keeping in line with their motto, Imperial College believes in Nurturing Tomorrow's Leaders. By following the programme from last season and this season, it is apparent how challenging and competitive the competition has become, more this year than last year. There has been a significant rise in the number of participants from around Sri Lanka. The competition has also been challenging since the levels of spelling have improved.

Keeping in mind the efforts, determination and courage of the participants, Imperial College together with CIMA Sri Lanka Division organized a special training programme for the finalists in order to better prepare them for the forthcoming challenge. This training programme conducted by 2 competent trainers was held at the CIMA Sri Lanka division. It was a mix of learning where the participants were taken through important aspects of spelling and fun in terms of word games that were conducted, encouraging the participants to take up the challenge with more determination.

The word game involved dividing the participants into 2 groups and was especially interesting for the finalists since they had to come up with words to challenge their opponents. Each team was given the opportunity to pick a member of the opposing team and throw a difficult word at them to spell. The wining team was of course the team that was able to secure the most points and spell more words correctly.

To most of us, spelling is a day to day activity. Sometimes less attention is paid on words that are spelt due to the use of a spell checker. In the age of the internet, the most neglected aspect of the English language is spelling and there is a huge influx of people using chat and SMS jargon.

Present at the programme, Director of Imperial College Pravinth Rajaratam had this to say 'the competition has drawn light on the importance of spelling and it has been fascinating to see young students being able to spell very difficult words. It has indeed been interesting to witness the enthusiasm and the drive to win amongst participants.

We've seen how groups of participants have gotten together and practised spellings, referring to dictionaries, figuring out how to break up and spell a difficult word. It is also interesting to see that most of the finalists are students from schools out of Colombo, this goes to show, the efforts and eagerness of such students to participate in a challenging competition. It is also an indication of how competitive education has become.

Imperial College wishes each Finalist the very best of luck for the rest of the competition.

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