Cowabunga, the annual outing organized for the TKF (I think we should mention the name The Knowledge Factory somewhere) students by the student committee of TKF was successfully held at the River View, Wadduwa last Sunday.
 The day was full of music, games, dancing, fun and laughter. It was indeed an unforgettable experience for all the participants. The hard work and the dedication of the committee members were very well shown at Cowabunga as the participants had a fun filled day.
A big thank you goes out to the MD and the Principal Lecturer, TKF Mr. Failan Saleem for being with us throughout and offering us great courage and guidance and also Mr. Madhura Nayanajith for the unending help and support in various ways. We also need to thank each and every student who gave us their fullest support in various ways to make this event a great success.
Looking forward to many more great projects like this, signing off Marini Nakandala