On April 24, 1981, Mariatta and Gladwin Peries had their first child, a cute baby girl Maryan Sadanie Ruha. There is a saying that a first girl is lucky for the family and indeed it was. She was a bundle of joy not only to the family but to their loved ones too.
Three years later again on April 24, 1984, this happy couple had their second child, a baby boy Stephen Pradeep. It was a surprise and joyous event to have a double birthday in the family. Two years later, in 1986 again on April 24 their third child was born. Jude Prasanne.
Pradeep |
Sadanie |
This time it was not only a surprise but also a miracle to have all their children born on the same day.
Since then “April 24” became the “Fun Day” at 151, St. James Street, Mutwal, when the whole lot of uncles and aunties and cousins gathered together to enjoy the party hosted by the happy parents annually.
Being the aunty next door, I can remember how I went every year from shop –to-shop looking for three gifts to match their ages. What we enjoyed most was the moment that the big cake was cut by each one while we sang happy birthday three times.
Now another April 24, will dawn-- but what an unbelievable difference. How ever much we begged, God said “No, I want them in my kingdom because they belong with me.”
This time there will be only one to cut the big cake, but bearing our pain, hiding our tears we’ll still sing happy birthday three times, because we know from somewhere in heaven both of you are looking down at us with that beautiful smile of yours.
Happy birthday darling Sado! When we jointly sing with your husband Rukshan, two more sweet little voices also will join us and before anyone you will recognize them because they are your own son and daughter, Yohan and Yuthika singing, “happy b’ day Ammi, darling”!
Happy birthday darling Pradeep, our brave boy. Son we are proud of the courage you showed through life. Strengthen us to learn what life is and how to face it.
We will sing happy birthday three times on April 24, for the rest of our lives, because both of you will always be in our lives.
Padma Manel Silva |