Once again the guys and girls of The Knowledge Factory have teamed up to organize another unforgettable event for their colleagues, the members of TKF both past and present. "This time it's going to be an entirely different experience for the participants" the president, Rochelle says.

President - Rochelle |

Former President - Nimanthie |
The team members including Rochelle (president), Nimanthie ( out going president), Shashika, Sarah, Elmo, Marini, Rumesh, Waseem, Shani, Pandula and Nabeil are highly enthusiastic about making this event a success as it is a great opportunity to keep the team spirit high and also relive their exam stress.
All of you TKF members are cordially invited to experience the difference of having fun on the 23rd July at beach house starting form7.30 pm onwards. For more details please contact TKF office. We also appinted Shehan and Aisha as cordinators for stage 1 and 2 respectively.
Confirm your attendances on FB. (TKF Malsara Night)
(Marini Nakandala) |