The first and the foremost ISO 9001-2000 and 2008 certified company for Roller Doors Elcardo Industries has been awarded THE BEST EXHIBITOR AWARD" by the INCO ( The Institute of Engineers of Sri Lanka) at the ceremony held at BMICH recently. Elcardo is celebrating their 25th year excellence service to the nation this year, they have launched an elegant and innovative product, "PANTRY TOP UPS" with different types for both domestic and star class hotel pantries making use of substance NEWSTONES which is far superior than granite.The presentation of awards had been held in hotel Galadari recently and the Hon. Minister of Science & Technology Prof. Tissa Vitharana was the Chief Guest given away the awards.
The picture shows that Mr. Athula Weeraratne, The Managing Director of Elcardo Industries is receiving the prestige award from the Hon Minister Prof. Tissa Vitharana.. |