Scholarships to the value of a record Rs 8.4 million will be on offer to high-achieving young Sri Lankans at the 10th annual Ceylinco Life ‘Pranama’ scholarships presentation in January 2011, the company said this week.
It said it has commenced accepting applications from those eligible to receive these scholarships, which are presented in five categories to school children and young adults who excel in academics or at national or international level in sports, aesthetics, invention or creativity. Applications close on 30th November for up to 164 scholarships, which will be awarded to selected recipients at a grand ceremony on 29th January 2011 at the Cinnamon Lakeside hotel, the statement added.
Launched 10 years ago as policyholder rewards scheme, the Pranama scholarships programme has to date disbursed more than Rs 41 million to 1,150 recipients, and achieved a community-wide beneficial impact well beyond the company’s original demographic.
“Pranama is truly an inimitable rewards scheme,” Ceylinco Life’s Managing Director and CEO R. Renganathan said. “Given the sheer size of our policyholder base, the programme’s island-wide reach and its longevity, the benefits of the scholarship scheme have now extended to a representative segment of the populace, making it more than a simple customer-rewards programme.”
Ceylinco Life Pranama scholarships are presented to policyholders’ children who achieve the best results in their respective districts at the Year 5 scholarship examination and the GCE Ordinary Level
examination. |