The political comedy “Balloth Ekka Be” written and directed by Ravindra Ariyarathna which completed its 100 show, will be staged at Lumbini theatre, which had its opening show.
Two shows of the 101st staging will go on board at the Lumbini Theatre, Havelock Town on Saturday, October 30 at 3.30 p.m. and 6.45 p.m.
Starring are the renowned Roshan Pilapitiya, Gihan Fernando, Kumara Thiritnadura, Saman Hemarathna, Sarath Kothalawala and Anusha Dissanayake, the background music is directed by Shantha Peiris. Jude Srimal organized the play and tickets are available at Sarasavi Bookshop Nugegoda, Sadeepa Bookshop Borella and Lumbini theatre. |