A leading sports body in the island very proudly presented their Calendar for the New Year 2011. However when looking at it closer one was shocked to find that some calendars had only eight months while others had all their months mixed up.
One wonders how such a sports body, and a leading one at that, managed to issue such a calendar when the whole world practically are looking at the things they are doing specially at a time like the present when a key tournament is scheduled to be held in the region.
Dodging the issue
The story doing the rounds these days is how a leading man’s beloved son was involved in a scandal which has shocked the sporting world. To be on the safe side an official of the parent body, who happens to be in the said association’s main body as well has decided to discreetly step down from the body concerned because the lad involved belongs to the school that he is a teacher.
The ungrateful lot
A leading starter in athletics passed away recently and it was expected that a large number of athletes, especially those who have faced this very same starter, to attend had stayed from paying their respects to this famous man. Could this gesture be due to the dwindling standards in the said sport?
No complimentary tickets
The practice so far has been for all clubs in the sport to receive two tickets as a gesture of goodwill by the parent body at special competitions. However this time no clubs have received these complementary tickets. The man concerned is going about saying that the Big Man has asked him to stop giving away free tickets. Could this guy be hiding behind the big Man’s name just to keep away from dishing out complementary tickets?
Power struggle
There is a big power struggle between two big wigs in a leading sports body. Recently a parcel was secretly sent out from the building that this sport is lodged. Another big official had employed a Spy to find out what this big wig has sent out. These poer struggles are bound to continue until this popular contest comes to an end in April.
Fleecing the unwary
The talk is still on the big sporting event which is around the corner. Certain tents are being constructed to watch the big event at colossal figures. However the normal practice is to give the occupants lunch, tea and refreshments. The man involved in this says that the occupants will have to buy refreshments, etc from outside…giving another the chance to fleece these chaps. |