I was reading a document titled “sideline code of conduct” of The Southern California Rugby Football Union recently. Its statement of policy reads: “All Southern California Rugby Football Union, clubs, players, coaches, referees, administration and supporters are considered ambassadors of the sport of rugby.
As such each clubs players coach referee, administration and supporter in the SCRFU is expected to behave with dignity both on and off the playing field. Clubs, players, coaches, referees, administrators and supporters should not tolerate rude, profane, threatening or anti social behaviour of any sort which would reflect negatively the SCRFU, USA Rugby or the sport of rugby in general.”
My head went spinning in all direction as I tried to fit pieces to the puzzle of rugby in SL as they call each other in derogatory names.
Last week the AGM of the Union was adjourned due to disagreement on the modalities of representation and voting. In the past there was disagreement on the allocation of votes based on the number of clubs in each province. The WP virtually has all A Division Clubs in the Province. They were not happy that there were more votes allocated to other provinces that had clubs which took part only in local tournaments.
Asanga Seneviratne |
The constitution was amended by the INTERIM and a weight was given to A Division Clubs in determining the number of votes. When this was sorted, another issue of “A” division clubs earning the votes and majority deciding arose. Last year there was confusion by the delay in handing nominations by the WP. The President was elected by unanimous decision; whilst problems arose on who should vote to elect the other office bearers. With the threat of being kicked out by the IRB looming over the head a new team was appointed as they sat again to continue the meeting. The A Division Clubs present exercised their vote and a new council sat in place.
The Annual General Meeting was called on the 20th of February 2011 and the wheels of chaos started to roll. The WPRFU appointed new office bearers. Most “A “Division Clubs were handicapped in nominating and or supporting their choice as they were declared not eligible because they had not played in the WPRFU tournaments.
They petitioned the Ministry of Sport and the letter was directed to the Council who appointed a committee to test on the validity of the election. In the meantime the SLRFU decided not to recognize the new office bearers. The big names then appointed their choice to represent them and vote. The Secretary elect of the WPRFU was present with a mandate to vote on behalf of WP. Confusion number one was born while the mother was in labour to deliver the twin; the right to vote by the clubs and not the Province.
Now we stand on the road not knowing where to go as the IRB keeps watching with the purse in hand wondering shall we give or not ?
Lasitha Gunratne Vice President claims that the meeting was adjourned and will be held and the agenda and nominations stand. The Meeting has to be held before the 31st of March as required by the Sports Law. The Western Province will have to sort out issues of their office bearers who the union claims are suspended. The WPRFU position is that they have received no such intimation. Gunaratne claimed that the nominations were not seconded as required by the constitution. He did say that there was a window of opportunity opening for both contenders to work together and was willing to offer the Vice Presidency to Asanga Seneviratne.
Asanga Seneviratne -- the contender for the Post of President said that if it’s the clubs that vote then there should be a club only policy and the provincial system should be scrapped. This will destroy the system that which will be detrimental to the game as there won’t be a national policy. He said that he had the backing of the provinces as well as stalwarts of the game and commanded a 90% support. He also said that Rugby is not only “A” Division Clubs. In the case of Cricket as well as Soccer there are District Associations and it is the Association that votes and not individual clubs. He also said that the game of Cricket has prospered with the spread to the outstations.
Asanga was also very pessimistic of the IRB continuing to support as development funds were meant for the expansion of the game to the outstations as well the improvement of women’s rugby. He said that these have not happened and if continued this way it will damage the game.
In this scenario there can be no winners only losers. And as the window of Opportunity is opening the best is for the two parties to get together and work towards the betterment of the game. Asked for his views Asanga said that the door is open as rugby is in his heart. Will there be a happy marriage and all will live happily thereafter?
Vimal Perera is a former Rugby Referee, coach and Accredited Referees Evaluator IRB