I’m no canine expert, but going by the look of it, I’m willing to bet Mickey is grinning widely in the picture of herself on the Adopt a Dog Facebook page. With floppy ears, bright brown eyes and an unmistakable grin, Mickey was rescued from roaming the streets of Kelaniya, and has now found a loving home thanks to Adopt a Dog.
Having started up recently, three friends Oshadie Korale, Andrew Jebaraj and Megali Nanayakkara, set up the Facebook page recently, so they could contribute to help reducing the stray dog population in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is said to have roughly 2.5 million stray dogs, which intensifies the risk of rabies spreading and the increase in road kill. Oshadie Korale (23), a graduate in medical biochemistry from the University of Bradford, UK says, “This is also a good reason to adopt stray dogs, most are sick with mange, distemper and so many illnesses. It’s a very sad situation for Sri Lankan dogs since most people adopt pure breds. Actually strays are more tolerant to diseases and are suitable for climates in Sri Lanka.”
Helping eradicate the problem, Adopt a Dog has eight permanent foster parents who shelter and feed puppies left for dead, abandoned aging dogs and strays. The comprehensive Facebook page, has an album of puppies and dogs that need homes, love and a bit of care. Below each picture is a list of information about each of the canines. From ages, characteristics, whether they are house trained, have been vaccinated, undergone worm treatment and have been sterilized.
In fact, Adopt a Dog advocates the sterilization of pet dogs not only as a means of preventing the increase of strays but to safeguard the health of the animals. Oshadie, surprised by how unaware many Sri Lankans are about sterilization says, “Since we started the page we’ve realised there is a lot of false information about the subject out there.”
One of the predicaments the team has encountered is the reluctance of prospective owners to adopt female dogs, as people aren’t quite clued-up on what sterilization means. Adopt a Dog is working towards dispelling these myths, sterilizing the dogs that come to them before handing them over for adoption. Describing the process of Ovariohysterectomy (spaying) of female dogs. Oshadie says, “It’s a quick and simple surgical process and the dog will recover in just a day.”
And being animal lovers, dogs aren’t the only pets for which Adopt a Dog sterilizes and helps find homes. Cats have been a recent addition to their cause, and there are almost as many felines as there are canines in foster care right now. In an impromptu count Oshadie says there are 26 dogs and 17 cats eagerly awaiting adoption. For more information about adopting a dog or giving a dog up for adoption visit the Adopt a Dog Facebook page — https://www.facebook.com/adoptadoginsrilanka
Doggy facts of life
Sterilization (spaying) of female dogs
Female dogs can be sterilized when they’re five months old; three months after a heat or even just after a female has given birth and stopped producing milk. During the sterilization process the uterus and the ovaries (female reproductive organs) of the dog are surgically removed. It is done usually with a small cut on the abdomen and it’s a very safe surgery commonly performed by all veterinarians. The dogs recover very fast. Once the surgery is done correctly, the female dog will no longer be able to get pregnant, go on heat and attract males or have the urge to mate.
- The main advantage is that the female will not be able to reproduce.
- The dog will not go on heat, hence will not attract male dogs.
- Will not have the urge to mate, therefore will remain in the premises, making it a better guard dog.
- Sterilization also helps by preventing uterine infections of females who have never reproduced before. It is risky to remove an infected uterus therefore sterilizing at a younger age will improve the dog’s survival chances against uterine infections.
- Female dogs have a tendency to get physiological pregnancies (false pregnancies), where the dog assumes that she is pregnant and behaves accordingly and at times even produces milk. Spaying of such a female will avoid complications.
- Spaying will also help prevent mating in old age resulting in complications at birth thus preventing death at times.
- Dogs, like humans, are also prone to breast cancer; when sprayed young it will help to reduce chances of getting breast cancer.
Sterilization of male dogs
Sterilizing a male dog is also a very simple and safe procedure, where the male’s testicles are surgically removed.
- Obviously like in females, males will also not be able to reproduce and lose the urge to mate.
- Males usually have a tendency to follow the scent of a female in heat, but once sterilized the dog will not run away from the house making it a better guard dog.
- Castrated males will not fight with other males unlike non-castrated males, making it easier to raise multiple males in the same household.
- Dogs after neutering will also stop urinating as a means of territory marking.
- Spaying can also reduce the risk of male dogs getting benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). BPH results in many health problems for male dogs such as urinary tract problems.
Meow, meow!! We’re on Facebook too
By Shalomi Daniel
If you love cats; love caring for them; love talking about them; love poring over pictures of cute little felines, well here’s good news for you! There is an entire group on Facebook who are equally crazily in love with them. All you have to do is search for ‘Find A Feline Friend’ on Facebook!!
‘Find A Feline Friend’-a virtual community on Facebook launched on June 13 is the brainchild of Miranthi Dole, an ardent cat lover.
“People do not care enough about cats,” says Miranthi.
She had been turning the idea over in her head for the past few months and had initially thought of launching a website. However, as a website would mean having to incur high costs and as Facebook was something that everyone knew about, she decided to create a group on Facebook.
Miranthi also spoke about her pet ‘Kups the cat’ and her reason for setting the date of the launch in June. “Kups turned one on June 28 and I wanted the launch to coincide with his birthday” says hisproud owner. The group hopes to act as a platform for cat lovers to meet and share pictures or stories about their pets. The group will also be a means of finding shelter for as many homeless cats as possible. If you know of a lonely cat that needs a loving home, all you have to do is upload a picture of the cat and the group will set to work finding shelter. Further, if your feline friend happens to wander off and gets lost, you can post a photograph of your pet on Facebook as the group hopes to serve as a place to find a lost pet as well.
“The first week saw more than 350 members joining the group,” says an enthusiastic Miranthi, adding that members are increasing in numbers daily and that some are very keen and active. “Some members have even recommended books about cats!”
The group welcomes volunteers and also hopes to organize adoption day events and animal welfare activities as they grow. |